Prepare for Pregnancy by Eating Right

Nowadays, the rates of achieving pregnancy naturally are decreasing. One of the factors that negatively affects pregnancy is the decrease in women's ovarian reserve. In this situation, where environmental and genetic factors are also effective, couples often resort to professional methods. Let's look at ways to protect the ovarian reserve and increase pregnancy rates naturally.

Ovarian reserve decreases with age

The ovaries undergo many changes over time. There are millions of eggs in the ovary of a female baby in the womb, but most of these eggs disappear before they can be used, starting from this process. While a 16-20 week old baby girl has an average of 7-8 million eggs in the womb, this number decreases to 1-2 million at birth.

In adolescence, this number is around 250,000 - 500,000. A 37-year-old woman has approximately 25,000 eggs in her ovaries. Only a small number of these eggs can go to ovulation and be fertilized.

The fertility rate is high in the early 20s

A certain portion of immature eggs follow a process to mature. . Only one of them reaches full maturity and ovulation occurs. Other eggs disappear before they mature. Therefore, a much larger number of immature eggs are lost for ovulation each month. For this reason, women's fertility rates are highest in their 20s and early 30s. After the age of 35, fertility begins to decrease rapidly and begins to decline rapidly towards the age of 40.

Factors that negatively affect ovarian capacity

Vitamin D deficiency negatively affects the ovarian reserve

Egg There is no effective treatment for light capacity. Researches; It shows that DHEA hormone supplementation has some positive effect on ovulation rates in patients with low ovarian capacity. In addition, some studies have revealed that vitamin D deficiency causes decreases in ovarian reserve.

If there is a risk, eggs can be frozen and stored.

A significant portion of couples who cannot achieve pregnancy naturally. gets professional help. Many families have realized their baby dreams thanks to in vitro fertilization treatment methods. In addition to all these supportive treatments, another method that can be chosen is egg freezing. If pregnancy planning is not possible in patients with a risk of decreased ovarian capacity, the option of egg freezing may be offered for later use. In planning such a treatment, the ethical and social aspects of the issue and success rates should be explained in detail and patient selection should be made accordingly.

If the ovarian capacity has started to decrease...

Women's Some changes in their living habits can positively affect the egg reserve. These positive factors can be listed as follows:

Eat a balanced diet; Mediterranean type nutrition plays an effective role in both living a healthy life and protecting pregnancy functions. A diet rich in vegetables and fruits is especially important.

Limit red meat consumption; Consuming white meat, especially fish twice a week, is very important. Protein needs should be met from fresh nuts and legumes such as walnuts and hazelnuts instead of animal sources.

Stay away from fat and sugar; Olive oil should be preferred instead of trans fats in meals and salads. Simple sugar should be avoided.

Get expert support from folic acid and multivitamin supplements; Folic acid is an important supplement that should be used by those planning pregnancy. However, a doctor should definitely be consulted when taking vitamin supplements, especially folic acid.

Drink water; Approximately 3 liters of water should be consumed per day. Eliminating alcohol, caffeine and other stimulant drinks from the diet and limiting coffee consumption It is necessary.

Quit smoking; Smoking, which negatively affects body health, also affects the ovarian reserve. For this reason, if pregnancy is planned, smoking should not be used and professional support should be sought if necessary.

Ensure weight control; Excessive weight causes many diseases and also reduces fertility rates. For this reason, healthy eating rules should be adopted, the number of meals should not be changed and snacks should not be skipped. It should not be forgotten that being too thin is not good and the ideal weight should be maintained.

Stay away from stress; it is an important factor that accelerates the decrease of ovarian reserve. Stress affects the functioning of metabolism and causes many mental and physical diseases. Some changes in a person's living habits and staying away from stress will undoubtedly have a positive impact on fertility rates.

Stay away from ready-made foods; A significant portion of packaged foods purchased without carefully looking at the labels can disrupt the body's microbial balance and cause diseases. Ready-made foods, which also negatively affect the ovarian reserve, should be avoided.

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