Winter Nutrition

These days when the weather starts to cool down, we need to pay attention to the changes in our metabolism. By nature, our body develops a defense mechanism by storing fat to protect ourselves from cold weather. Afterwards, we worry that we gained weight. Although our metabolic rate tends to slow down in cold weather, our desire for carbohydrate foods also increases. Therefore, this situation should be controlled with small and frequent feedings. All the nutrients we need should be taken in a balanced manner and meals should not be skipped.

The most important factor that keeps our metabolism alive is water consumption. It is not right to wait until you feel thirsty to drink water. Care should be taken to consume at least 2 liters of water daily. It is possible to understand whether you consume enough water by the color of your urine. If the urine color is light yellow, close to white, water consumption is sufficient; if it is dark, the amount of water should be increased. Tea and coffee consumption does not replace water, but increases the need for water.

The stronger our immune system, the stronger our resistance to diseases. We all immediately think of vitamin C and of course citrus fruits... Unfortunately, we like to exaggerate the consumption of foods that we think are healthy. When consuming kilos of oranges, we should consider not only the vitamins we consume, but also the sugar and therefore calories in them. We should also point out that if we want to increase our vitamin C consumption, let's not forget that capia pepper contains 3 times more vitamin C than oranges. While consuming capia pepper, we will also save calories. Foods such as parsley, lemon, kiwi and broccoli contain high amounts of vitamin C. Excessive amounts of vitamin C are not stored in the body and are excreted in the urine. Therefore, it should be consumed sparingly and daily fruit consumption should not exceed 300-400 grams.


Vitamin D also has a great importance and effect on immunity. Its deficiency is widely seen in our society. In case of deficiency, supplements should be taken under the supervision of a doctor or dietitian.

In addition to fruits, vegetables are also good sources of vitamins and antioxidants. Color diversity in vegetables should be increased. such as spinach and leek uneven leaves; root vegetables such as celery, beets, carrots; Having a seasonal and colorful diet such as purple cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli will protect us against diseases.


Let's not miss fish, which is a source of omega-3 and the most important supporter of immunity, from our table. We can consume it grilled, oven-baked or steamed twice a week. Especially fish such as anchovy, salmon, mackerel and tuna are rich in omega-3, and herbal sources are flaxseed, walnut and purslane.


The word "probiotic" is very common now. We have heard of them, we can also call them "friendly bacteria". They are creatures that enrich our intestinal flora and keep our immunity alive. If you ask which foods we can take probiotics with, I suggest you keep home-made yoghurt and kefir at home. Apart from this, you can also take probiotic support as a supplement and keep your immunity strong.


Do not forget to do sports. Don't let weather conditions be an excuse to reduce your physical activity. The way to stay healthy and vigorous is to do regular exercise.

In line with these suggestions, our metabolism is now ready for winter. Healthy days.


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