Cigarettes, Tobacco Products and Our Lung Health

There are 7 million deaths due to tobacco and tobacco products every year in the world. The World Health Organization states that unless decisive measures are taken in the field of tobacco control, this figure will reach 8 million by 2030 (this number is almost as many as the number of people who died during World War I: 8.5 million people). In Turkey, 100,000 people die every year from diseases related to the use of tobacco and tobacco products.

All products intended for smoking, snorting, sucking or chewing made using tobacco leaves as a raw material, in whole or in part, are called "tobacco products" or "tobacco products". It is called “tobacco product”. Examples of these include cigarettes, shredded rolling tobacco, pipes, cigars, cigarillos, snuff, and hookah tobacco products. In recent years, e-cigarettes, which are tobacco products and contain nicotine, and ultimately products containing nicotine, which are heated and used, have appeared in the world market and contain nicotine, which is the main ingredient of addiction.

Smoking causes lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, COPD (Chronic It is the most important cause of diseases such as Obstructive Lung Disease. Apart from lung cancer, it also increases the incidence of cancers of the mouth, tongue, lips, larynx (larynx), esophagus, pancreas, bladder, kidney, prostate and uterus. The risk of lung cancer is also increased in people who do not smoke but are only exposed to smoke. Cigarettes and other tobacco products also play a role in the development and triggering of asthma. The risk of heart attack and stroke is increased in smokers.

Women who smoke have an increased risk of miscarriage, giving birth to babies with low birth weight and congenital diseases, and stillbirth. Smoking also causes infertility, skin problems and persistent stomach complaints in men and women. In children who are passively exposed to cigarette smoke, the risk of sudden infant death in the neonatal period increases, recurrent lower respiratory tract infections, otitis media occur, and the risk of developing asthma increases.

The addiction caused by cigarettes and tobacco products is no different from alcohol and drugs. . Nicotine, which causes addiction, affects the brain in a very short time, causing the secretion of pleasure hormones and this stops. It causes repetition of tobacco use behavior. Addiction is a disease that requires treatment. When quitting tobacco products, their effectiveness increases if proven medical treatment and behavioral cognitive methods are applied together. For this, you can contact the nearest chest disease specialist and learn the treatment methods suitable for you. Before these treatments, your medical history must be learned, your examination and some laboratory tests must be performed. It is possible to take precautions and treat lung diseases that may develop in smokers by taking a lung x-ray and performing respiratory function tests.

It should not be forgotten that one in every three people who try to smoke becomes addicted after the first cigarette. Therefore, it is very important to protect young people from products such as cigarettes, hookahs and e-cigarettes. It should not be forgotten that in a one-hour session of hookah, smoke from 150-200 cigarettes is inhaled, making it easier to carry infections such as tuberculosis. History has refuted the claims that nicotine is not addictive and that filtered, light cigarettes are less harmful. It is inevitable that products containing nicotine, such as e-cigarettes and heated nicotine products, will cause addiction. While we know that even passive smoking can cause lung cancer, any actively smoked product containing nicotine and tobacco ingredients is not suitable for health.


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