Nutrition Guide for Breastfeeding Mothers

Just as nutrition during pregnancy is important for the healthy birth of the baby, nutrition during breastfeeding is also equally important. The most important nutrient that a baby should receive during the growth and development period is BREAST'S MILK, and the mother must pay attention to her nutrition style in order to produce sufficient quantity and quality of milk. Breast milk is a natural wonder that is irreplaceable in baby nutrition.

The milk secreted during breastfeeding is a product of the nutrients taken by the mother. Therefore, nutrition has two purposes during breastfeeding, as in pregnancy.

  • To protect the health of the mother by keeping her nutritional stores in balance,

  • To ensure the normal growth and development of the baby by increasing the sufficient and efficiency of the secreted milk.

  • Breast milk, In addition to ensuring the best growth and development of babies, it protects them from chronic diseases such as diarrhea, otitis media, anemia, infection, and cardiovascular diseases and diabetes that may occur in later stages of life. It also helps establish a psychological bond between mother and baby.

    Breastfeeding helps the mother's body regain its pre-pregnancy state. While regular weight loss occurs during breastfeeding, the production of breast milk is not affected.

    The type and amount of nutrients consumed daily by the mother, her body storage level, and her psychological state. Factors affect the amount and quality of milk.

    What should be consumed to increase the quality and quantity of breast milk?

    More liquid than the needs of lactating mothers , energy, protein, vitamins and minerals.

    Food groups that must be consumed to provide these nutrients:



    (Milk, yoghurt, cheese and its varieties…)

    3 portions should be consumed a day.

    (One glass of milk or yoghurt, two matchboxes of cheese or curd.)

    Foods in this group are rich in protein and calcium. It meets the calcium and fluid needs that the mother loses. When milk is not preferred, rice pudding, pudding or milk soups can be consumed instead.


    3-5 portions should be consumed a day.

    (One medium-sized egg, a walnut-sized meatball or meat, a scoop of legumes.

    A meal consists of 6-8 tablespoons of meat and vegetables.)

    They are rich in protein and fat. Consuming red meat supports the mother's increased iron need.

    Legumes in this group contain plenty of fiber. It is necessary to prevent constipation problems after birth. However, it may cause gas in some people. In this case, it should not be taken or reduced, and other foods with high fiber content should be preferred instead. Consumption of fish and aquatic products should be increased, especially since they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and fish should be eaten 2-3 times a week.



    5-6 portions should be consumed a day.

    In these portions, to ensure diversity, vegetables and fruits can be chosen in a variety that will provide practically all 7 colors.

    Vegetables and fruits contain vitamins. It is the richest group in terms of minerals and pulp. Due to the pesticides used in agricultural products, they should be consumed after washing very well.

    Some vegetables and fruits should be consumed in limited amounts if they cause gas.



    Some gas-forming substances can pass into breast milk, which may cause discomfort to the baby. For this reason, you should pay attention to your nutrition pattern and avoid consuming foods that are likely to cause gas.

    These are;

    - Milk, Yogurt, Ayran

    - Acidic Fruits (citrus fruits, cherries, plums )

    - Some vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, peas, Brussels sprouts, radishes, leeks, turnips)

    - Legumes

    - Bulgur


    - Raw vegetables and salads (cold tomato-cucumber, salad varieties, raw side dishes)

    - Melon, Watermelon

    * Although raw onion and garlic are foods that can cause gas, Because it dilutes breast milk and increases its efficiency; If it does not have a negative effect on you, you can choose it.



    (Bread, rice, pasta, soup, pastry, dessert, etc. .)

    6-11 portions should be consumed a day.

    (One thin slice of bread, three tablespoons of rice or pasta and one A bowl of soup is one serving.)

    Foods in this group have high carbohydrate content. It is beneficial for mothers who gained 15 kilos or more during pregnancy and whose pre-pregnancy weight was above normal, not to consume more than the specified amounts.

    Whole grain breads in this group should be preferred by mothers with constipation.



    The fat that mothers consume through food affects the fat content of breast milk. For this reason, all kinds of oils should be consumed. It would be beneficial to consume it in the form of a mixture of olive oil and other oils (sunflower, soybean oil, corn oil, hazelnut oil).



  • Mothers should not rush to return to their previous weight. This period may last six months or more.

  • If more weight is gained than recommended during pregnancy, it is normal to lose one kilo every month. Weight loss of more than two kilos per month is not normal.

  • Slimming diet should not be applied to postpartum women. However, care should be taken not to overeat floury, fatty and sugary foods.

  • Mothers who breastfeed their babies regain their former shape more quickly due to the energy they spend on milk secretion.

  • In order for the milk to be released during the breastfeeding period, it is important that the mother eats well, is free from stress and is sufficiently rested, and breastfeeds her baby frequently.

  • While breastfeeding the baby after birth, it is more important than the pre-pregnancy period. More liquid food should be taken.

  • Fluid intake should be approximately 3 liters (10-12 glasses) per day and especially water, teas such as linden, mint, chamomile, nettle, and compote waters. Light natural drinks such as fruit juice, freshly squeezed fruit juices, lemonade and milk should be preferred.

  • Food groups such as milk, eggs and cheese, which are rich in calcium, should definitely be included in the daily nutrition program.

  • Egg, meat and vegetable dish or legume meal should be included in the nutrition program every day.

  • Such as salami, sausage, sausage. Avoiding foods containing additives (added to increase endurance) as much as possible

  • Vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals should be included in every meal.

  • Iodized salt should definitely be used. Because it is the main Iodine, which is important for the development of the baby in the womb and whose deficiency causes mental retardation, cannot be taken with natural foods.

  • Tea, coffee and cola should be avoided because they contain 'caffeine' and pass into breast milk, negatively affecting the baby's health. It should be avoided as much as possible.

  • Also, drinking tea with meals causes anemia. For this reason, if consumed, it should be drunk clear with lemon 1-2 hours after eating. Herbal teas such as linden, mint, chamomile, nettle and rosehip should be preferred as beverages.

  • Iron deficiency is a common problem during breastfeeding. is a problem. Iron, which passes to the baby through breast milk, is important in terms of filling the baby's iron stores and using it in blood production. In the daily diet, meat, chicken, fish, eggs, offal, dried nuts such as walnuts, almonds, grapes, Dried fruits such as apricots, plums, fruit pulp, dried legumes such as beans, chickpeas and lentils, molasses and green leafy vegetables are foods rich in iron.

  • The boiling water of vegetables, pasta and noodles should not be spilled. Dried legumes such as beans, chickpeas and kidney beans should be washed thoroughly and then soaked and the boiling water should not be spilled.

  • Boiling, grilling and oven-baking should be preferred as cooking methods.

  • Freshly squeezed fruit juices, lemonade and ayran should be preferred instead of ready-made fruit juices, sodas and cola drinks.

  • Vegetables and fruits are used as pesticides are added to agricultural products. It should be washed thoroughly.

  • Care should be taken to keep hands clean while preparing food. Hands should be washed frequently with soapy water.

  • Smoking, alcohol and artificial sweeteners should not be used because they pass into breast milk.

  • Excrete breast milk. What increases it?

    You should consume approximately 2.5-3 liters of water.

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