Bipolar Disorder in Childhood and Adolescence

It is a psychiatric disorder consisting of periods of mania and depression, usually diagnosed in adulthood, but in approximately 50-60% of the patients, the complaints were found to begin in adolescence. The main reason for missing symptoms in childhood and adolescence is that the symptoms overlap with the variable behaviors of age periods. Adult bipolar disorder symptoms can be considered as normal age behaviors in children.

Although bipolar disorder can start at any age, it often occurs in young adulthood between the ages of 15-35. The average age of onset is around 18 for men and 20 for women. Half of bipolar people experience their first episode of bipolar illness before the age of 20. And usually the first attack is an attack of depression, which delays the diagnosis of bipolar. It is less common to start in childhood and older ages. The lifetime prevalence rate in the population is approximately 1-2%.

Bipolar disorder, which begins in childhood or adolescence, significantly impairs the functionality of the person. Early onset is a bad criterion for the course of the disease. If it is not diagnosed and treated in time, it may develop in adulthood. Serious problems are also experienced.

The disorder can be seen at an earlier age in children whose families have bipolar disorder. The results of many years of research on the cause of bipolar disorder show that this disorder is not seen in some members of the family but is caused by a genetic predisposition that causes bipolar disorder in some individuals. has shown. This predisposition creates changes in the functioning of the monoamines called dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonin and glutamate, which are involved in the message system in the frontal cortex and limbic system regions of the brain, which regulate thoughts, behaviors and emotions.

Bipolar disorder in children and young adolescents appears different from that in adults. Bipolar. The disorder can be seen in both children and adolescents. However, unlike adults, children and young adolescents often experience very rapid mood swings between manic and depressive episodes, many times a day. This rapid cycle can be perceived as behavioral problems. Mania does not mean being overly happy, secure, etc., as in adulthood, but rather being overly tense and anxious. It is seen as a period of violent temper tantrums. Depression in children with bipolar disorder is seen as numerous physical complaints, reluctance to go to school, sleep and appetite changes, attempts to escape from home and school, irritability, complaining, crying for no reason, decreased social interaction, and extreme intolerance to rejection or failure.

Bipolar disorder mania symptoms in childhood and adolescence;

Increased energy,

Distraction, difficulty in focusing and maintaining the subject,

>Fast speaking and inability to intervene,

Overreaction to events, sudden and uncontrollable outbursts of anger,

Feeling very strong and invincible,

Jumping from branch to branch while talking ,

Decrease in sleep and appetite,

Looking extremely happy, feeling energetic

In adolescents:

Mixed symptoms are also common in teens with bipolar disorder. Findings close to the adult type are observed in the older age group. In adolescence, excessive energy, feeling strong, etc. may be accompanied by excessive sexual tendencies, drug and alcohol abuse, and tendency to commit crimes in the social environment. Suicidal thoughts may be intense. Traumatic events may trigger the onset of bipolar disorder. Children and adolescents with an addiction or suicidal thoughts should always be taken seriously and evaluated for a mood disorder. It is possible to overcome suicidal thoughts and other problems with appropriate treatment.

Other psychiatric conditions that may show symptoms of bipolar disorder should also be evaluated. In children, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), other Disruptive Behavior Disorders, Mental retardation, Metabolic causes should be evaluated. In fact, ADHD often occurs before the symptoms of bipolar disorder occur. This does not mean that every child with ADHD will have bipolar disorder. However, the probability of developing this disease in a child with ADHD who has a relative with bipolar disorder is higher than the normal population. If mania symptoms occur after the use of antidepressants or psychostimulants in children, detailed evaluation for bipolar disorder would be appropriate.

Treatment of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents avisi:

It is very important for children and adolescents with bipolar disorder to receive early diagnosis and treatment and to learn how to control their symptoms as they grow older. Drug treatments help control mood and psychotherapy support is useful. Careful and regular treatment is also important for children and adolescents. The disease, its treatment and its process should be discussed with the person and family, and cooperation must be ensured.


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