Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement is the whole of the treatment methods that are applied without resorting to surgical procedures for men who are not satisfied with the size (length and thickness) of their penis and provide significant growth in penis length and volume.
Genital aesthetic applications When it comes to men, the first thing that comes to mind is Non-Surgical Penis Extension, that is, applications that will increase the size of the penis as much as possible.
Unfortunately, with the erroneous information spread among the public, men choose what penis size is. He believes that the longer he is, the more pleasurable he will be to have sexual relations with his partner. It is very difficult for men with thin penis to have an orgasm during sexual intercourse. .
To give an example, having a penis of sufficient length and thickness is much more valuable than having a very long but thin penis. This will contribute to your partner's pleasure rather than pain and a more passionate sexual intercourse.
It should be known that Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement (also known as Non-Surgical Penis Extension and Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement) treatment should be followed by a specialist in order to achieve the dreamed result and to protect the health of the person.
Unfortunately, many treatments applied in the field of Genital Aesthetics have equivalents on the market that have no validity and trust, and are not based on science. Applying such treatments to you by uninformed people may cause very serious problems that cannot be reversed.
What is Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement (H2)
Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement both extension and extension within the possibilities given by its physical structure. It is the treatment process in which the desired size is reached as a result of the expansion and thickening of the penis. This application, which is performed in the operating room environment, is a process that requires 1 to 2 days of hospitalization.
Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement treatment, in particular, increases the thickness of the penis by performing the filling process without any anesthesia and without the need for hospitalization.
Hyaluronic acid-based filler is used as an active ingredient during Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement.
Thanks to this substance, which has water retention in its structure, it takes an average of 7 to 10 days. The thickening of the penis becomes visible. After completing this treatment, which does not affect the person's daily life, you can continue your standard routine from where you left off.
Who is Suitable for Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement (H3)
Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement application;
Dissatisfied with penis size or penis thickness,
Not able to contribute to her partner's orgasm because she has a thin penis,
Does not have the amount of adipose tissue required for Penis Enlargement Surgery,
Unable to satisfy their partner during vaginal penetration,
It is a genital aesthetic treatment technique for men who experience such conditions.
How to Perform Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement (H2)
Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement Urology It is a genital aesthetic treatment method performed by a specialist in clinical conditions. Before starting the procedures, the area is numbed by the anesthetic cream applied to the penis.
After achieving numbness in the procedure area, the hyaluronic acid-based filler is injected subcutaneously into the target areas in the amount determined in the treatment plan.
Average 30 After this treatment, which lasts between 40 and 40 minutes, the person can continue his daily life from where he left off. This application, which shows its effect immediately after treatment, provides more pronounced results in 7 to 10 days.
Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement is used as an active ingredient in the treatment of hyaluronic acid, which results in significant volume gain in the penis thanks to its water-holding ability. Men whose penis has reached the desired thickness can also be provided with the opportunity to have a penis that has reached serious dimensions thanks to the elongation experienced with the right exercises and interventions.
Permanence of Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement (H2)
Non-surgical Penis Enlargement is a genital aesthetic treatment method that uses filler (hyaluronic acid-based) in the treatment process. The positive effect of this treatment will disappear over time, as in filling applications to other parts of the body. Permanence of the augmentation treatment;
Genetic characteristics and age of the person,
The active filler used in the treatment process,
The amount of filler required to achieve the desired thickness,
The structure of the patient's genital area, (anatomy of the penis)
It takes an average of 2 to 3 years, although it varies according to such situations.
Non-surgical Penis Enlargement, which does not have a negative effect on penile erection, can be achieved by being repeated during the period when the man is sexually active. The positive result can be maintained.
Non-Surgical Penis Lengthening and Thickening (H3)
Non-Surgical Penis Lengthening and Thickening procedure is applied to men with small penis size and desired penis size. It is a non-surgical genital aesthetic treatment method that helps to reach the size of the male.
In this technique, which can also be expressed as Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement;
Shock Wave Therapy (Under the Control of a Specialist Urologist in the Clinic)
P - Shot (PRP) Treatment (Under the Control of a Specialist Urologist in the Clinic)
Vacuum Therapy (Taught at Home) ilde)
Penis Stretcher Device (As Taught At Home)
techniques are used.
Penis As a result of the examination made by the specialist in patients who are uncomfortable with the size of the patient, it is decided which treatment technique will be applied. Physician decides.
Usually, 1 cm. to 3 cm. elongation and in the same way 1 cm. to 3 cm. thickening is observed between
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