Knee pain

Pain in the front of the knee actually constitutes an important part of knee complaints. When an excessive load is placed on the kneecap, it also puts an excessive load on the cartilage tissue and bone under the kneecap. As this process continues for many years, the cartilage tissue in the knee deteriorates and even, colloquially, calcification occurs, causing pain. Due to the pain, the movements of these patients are restricted and their quality of life is extremely impaired.

This condition in the front part of the knee. This type of pain is seen in a wide range of people, from housewives to office workers. Patients experience severe pain, especially when going up and down stairs, squatting and standing up, and sitting in a bent knee position for a long time.

For many years, various injection treatments have been applied to the knee to reduce pain in the front of the knee. The drug known as cortisone used in these injection treatments may also have long-term side effects. Today, the medical world recommends treatments that do not cause tissue damage. In this new method, radiofrequency current is applied to the knee joint space in pulsed mode to reduce pain in the front of the knee.

Arthritis in the knees. Patients with this condition first consult physical therapy and orthopedic physicians. Rehabilitation is recommended to these patients by physical therapists and prosthetic surgery is recommended by orthopedic surgeons. This new method can be applied to patients whose pain does not go away despite physical therapy and who cannot undergo prosthetic surgery due to accompanying diseases.

With a special generator that produces radiofrequency current and a radiofrequency needle that transmits this current to the tissue, it is entered into the knee joint space under ultrasound guidance and the radiofrequency current is applied 3 times for 120 seconds in pulsed mode. In the studies carried out, the success rate is 70 percent. The application is performed on the patient once, and for an average of 6 months to 2 years, the patients' knee pain decreases and they can especially go up and down stairs without any pain. Pulsed radiofrequency current provides pain relief without causing tissue damage in the area where it is applied, and therefore this procedure can be applied to the patient repeatedly.

Generally, these patients are referred to the pain physician by physical therapy and orthopedic doctors. Or they come with a reference from the patient whose knee pain was relieved by the application of pulsed radiofrequency to the knee joint. As a result, patients who are seen by an orthopedist and recommended prosthetic surgery, but cannot undergo surgery, and also receive physical therapy but whose pain does not go away, can apply to an algology clinic for this procedure.




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