Exam Stress and Ways to Cope

First of all, the exam is the evaluation of the knowledge learned by the students in line with their abilities, work and interest. So the exam is a scale used to measure knowledge. As a result of the research, it has been observed that test anxiety is more severe than pre-operative anxiety, and female students are more affected by this situation than male students. What young people with exam anxiety generally say is: I have forgotten everything I know, my appetite has decreased, my sleep pattern has been disrupted, if I fail this exam I will be devastated, I cannot enjoy life, if I cannot get into the school or university I want, I will die! Such thoughts and depressive states prevent students from working hard. The exam is not an evaluation of the individual's personality, and being successful in the exam indicates that you have sufficient knowledge about that subject, while failing indicates that you do not have sufficient knowledge about that subject. Your exam results do not reveal whether you are a good or bad person. The important point is to separate the exam from your personality and not to constantly blame yourself, get angry or put yourself in a depressed mood. There is an undue burden on students during the exam process. The perfectionist student, who has a lot of subjects to study and a high sense of responsibility, raises his expectations and thus begins to see what he has learned as inadequate. Besides all this, he doesn't know how to succeed. Having conversations to minimize anxiety and reduce stress can provide young people with instant relief. The important thing here is not to be pessimistic, not to give up the struggle and not to accept defeat, but many intelligent people who are not successful can succumb to such negative thoughts. As long as you set your goals, you should know that the exam is not the only and final goal.

Fear of failure

When the individual thinks that he will not succeed in the exam, it turns into the fear of failure. Fear of failure increases the individual's anxiety level. Improving the level of anxiety increases the secretion of stress hormones in the brain. Excessive secretion of stress hormones retards learning ability. Thus, fear increases in a vicious circle. It is necessary to break this cycle somewhere.

Ba Positive pressure is related to the meaning given to the exam. If I am successful, I will achieve an important turning point in my life. If I am not successful, the thought that I have to work a little harder will reduce the pressure for success to normal level.

If I fail, it will be revealed that I am a stupid, incompetent, useless person, or the people around me will say that I am His words that will make him think negatively about me increase his exam anxiety. You are not responsible for other people's thoughts because each person will interpret it as they wish. The important thing is what you want and what you aim for.


Students' duty is not to be successful, but to do the best they can.

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