Am I Depressed?

Deep sadness, stress, distress, living conditions, economic problems... This list can go on even longer.

While we may feel unhappy, helpless and depressed even in normal life, we may have thoughts that we are depressed with the problems experienced.

However, temporary mood swings during the day are not called depression. Even if we say we are depressed when we encounter a situation that bothers us, this is not a real depression.

The fact that the state of sadness and grief interferes with daily activities, lasting for a long time and disrupting functionality can be a sign of the development of depression.

From its name. Depression, which we frequently talk about, becomes a serious health problem if it is not treated, no matter how its symptoms are experienced. a gloomy and distressed mood prevails.

Apathy: Your interest in daily activities that were previously enjoyed (such as reading, exercising, watching TV) may decrease.

Sleep disorders: In this case, inability to sleep, Symptoms such as waking up frequently, waking up early in the morning or increasing sleepiness can be observed.

Appetite problems: The person may lose weight. In the last month, 5% of the average weight without dieting, at least 4-5 kg. can be given. Some depressed people may also gain weight.

Difficulty in concentration: In case of depression, the person experiences distraction and concentration difficulties.

Fatigue: A decrease in physical energy occurs.

Psychomotor restlessness or retardation: The picture of depression causes agitation or a decrease in psychological functions.

Thoughts of guilt-worthlessness: It is possible to feel guilty about the events experienced, as well as to feel worthless.

Life-threatening thoughts: The person may have thoughts of death, tendencies or attempts, that is, suicidal tendencies. and it may mean that you need psychiatric help.

Facing depression o Even if we are not, you can take into account the suggestions to cope with the situations when you are sad and distressed.

First of all, remember that you are strong enough to solve all problems. Everything that is difficult for us now will soon be a life event that shows us our strengths.

Don't forget to exercise regularly. Regular sports and exercises support the healthy functioning of the hormones in the brain, reducing the rate of mental depression.

Pay attention to a healthy diet.

Sleeping regularly and spiritually relaxed. If you want to be in good mental and physical health, you need to sleep regularly.

When the body feels good, it reflects this to the mind and emotions.

Participate in social events. It will make you feel good to see your relatives, family and friends frequently.

Find different occupations and hobbies that will spice up your monotonous life.

Recognize your thoughts. Let go of your negative thoughts.

Stop feeling anger and grudges. Getting angry hurts both you and those around you. Try forgiveness for your own mental health.

Embrace positive thinking and a positive approach.

Take time for yourself.

Smile. Body, soul, mind and emotion are an inseparable whole. When we change one, the others change and move together.

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