What is Menstrual Irregularity? Why Does It Happen?

Vaginal bleeding that occurs in monthly cycles is defined as menstruation or menstruation. These bleedings, also known as menstruation or periods, occur as a result of the woman's reproductive system being renewed every month.

What is Menstrual Irregularity?

Women menstruate from the age of 12-13 until the age of 40, when they enter menopause. menstrual bleeding; It is the vaginal discharge of the uterine tissue prepared for pregnancy, as a result of not fertilization of the egg and sperm, so that the pregnancy does not develop. Menstrual bleeding normally occurs every 21-35 days. It lasts for 4-8 days. From adolescence to menopause, this process is expected to repeat regularly. Menstruation is not observed during pregnancy and lactation (beginning). Normally, the period between two periods should be between 21-35 days. The shortening, prolongation or abnormal cessation of menstruation is called menstrual irregularity.

Menorrhagia can also be classified as “menorrhagia” and “menometrorrhagia” according to the amount of menstrual irregularity bleeding.

Irregular Menstrual Causes?

Oligomenorrhea (infrequent menstruation) causes:

Causes of polymenorrhea (frequent menstruation):
Causes of primary amenorrhea:<
  • Thyroid diseases,
  • Diseases that cause the reproductive organs to fail to develop properly (such as Turner syndrome),
  • Premature ovarian failure,
  • Family late adolescence
  • Changes in hormone levels
  • The bleeding cannot come out due to the hymen (hymen) being completely closed.
  • Causes of secondary amenorrhea:
    As you can see, 'What causes menstrual irregularity?' There are many answers to the question. Many different diseases can cause menstrual irregularity in many different ways. 'Does cold cause menstrual irregularity?' the question too It is one of the frequently asked questions, but there are not enough studies on this subject. Following the menstrual days, duration and amount by the patient and taking notes will help the physician to find the reason.

    What are the Symptoms of Menstrual Irregularity?

    Symptoms for oligomenorrhea; more than 35 days between two periods, less than nine periods per year, irregular menstrual intervals and lighter periods than normal.
    The symptoms of polymenorrhea may vary depending on the underlying cause. Symptoms such as fever, vaginal discharge and itching can be seen in polymenorrhea, which is caused by infection. In case of endometriosis, many different symptoms such as cramps, painful menstrual period (dysmenorrhea), pain during sexual intercourse, excessive menstrual bleeding, pain during bowel movements may occur in the days just before the start of menstruation. Before menopause, conditions such as hot flushes and vaginal dryness may accompany polymenorrhea. In polymenorrhea associated with eating disorders, rapid and excessive weight loss can be observed in patients. For example, women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have amenorrhea as well as various symptoms such as increased hair growth, insulin resistance, and weight gain. Menstrual irregularity can occur due to many different reasons. Not every menstrual irregularity prevents pregnancy. However, some diseases that cause irregularity can interfere with pregnancy. It would be beneficial for women with irregular menses to consult a specialist doctor and get the appropriate treatment for the underlying cause. . Persons with anemia; looks pale, gets tired quickly, may have difficulty concentrating. In cases where menstrual irregularity is due to PCOS, metabolic syndromes such as diabetes may occur in the sick person.

    How is Menstrual Irregularity Examination Performed? Which Tests Are Requested?

    In patients who present with menstrual irregularity, the patient's history is of great importance. The patient; how often He is expected to answer questions such as his menstrual period, how many days his period lasts, how much bleeding is approximately, how many pads he uses per day, whether he has pain during menstruation, the amount of pain, and whether he is sexually active. In addition to these, the presence of symptoms such as fever, pain during sexual intercourse, vaginal discharge, bleeding between menstrual periods can also be questioned.
    Tests for possible causes are requested by the physician. Tests such as blood test, pregnancy test, hormone tests, Pap smear test are examples of these tests. Again, imaging techniques such as ultrasound and MRI can be used to diagnose the underlying disease.

    Physical examination begins with examining the general appearance of the patient. In the gynecological examination, the cervix and vaginal walls can be examined with the help of a tool called speculum. Bimanual examination is the method in which one or two fingers of the active hand are advanced through the vagina and the other hand is placed on the abdomen and the structure of the internal genital organs is examined. Both methods can be used in physical examination for the suspected cause.

    How to Treat Menstrual Irregularity?

    Menstrual irregularity may not always be a serious problem that requires treatment. The basic treatment principle is to find the underlying cause and apply the treatment plan accordingly. Birth control pills are frequently used medical treatment methods for menstrual irregularity. However, applications such as advanced endometriosis, where only medical treatment cannot provide success, and which require surgery may also be required. Therefore, those who have menstrual irregularity should not neglect to apply to the nearest health institution and have their check-ups done.

    What Is Good For Menstrual Irregularity?

    There are some easy-to-do practices that can be good for menstrual irregularity. There are some studies that show it helps to fix it. In addition, yoga is effective in reducing menstrual pain and calming mental conditions such as depression and anxiety during menstruation.

  • Being at a healthy weight: Being overweight or underweight can cause menstrual irregularity. You can reduce your risk of irregular menstruation by keeping your weight in a healthy range.
  • Exercise: Exercise regularly, with appropriate weight; It helps to keep your period regular by helping to maintain your weight. It can also reduce the pain during menstruation.
  • Consuming ginger: Although there is not enough study about it, it is stated that ginger is good for menstrual irregularity.
  • Using cinnamon: It is effective in regulating menstruation and in the treatment of PCOS.
  • Taking vitamins: Taking the vitamins you need daily can regulate your period. Especially in vitamin D deficiency, menstrual irregularity can be seen. Vitamin D can be synthesized in our body with the help of sunlight and can be taken from foods such as milk and dairy products and cereals.
  • Drinking apple cider vinegar: It has been observed that drinking 15 grams of apple juice every day is effective in patients with PCOS and menstrual irregularities.
  • Consuming pineapple: It can be good for menstrual irregularity. Thanks to some enzymes it contains, it can relieve symptoms such as premenstrual headaches and cramps.
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