Iodine is an important element for the secretion and health of thyroid hormone. Iodine deficiency is an important health problem all over the world and in Turkey. Most of the iodine is found in the seas, but mountainous regions and river beds are poor in iodine due to erosion.
Iodine is important for the thyroid hormone to perform its normal functions. Thyroid hormone regulates many functions such as growth, development, metabolism and renewal of cells.
Thyroid hormone enables the thyroid gland to take thyroid from the blood, convert it into thyroid hormone and store it to be used when necessary.
While 150 mcg of iodine intake per day is sufficient for adults, the need for pregnant and breastfeeding women is determined as 250 mcg per day. The amount of iodine in foods may vary depending on the region where they are grown. Seafood is very rich in iodine. 100 g of fish contains approximately 30 mcg of iodine. Apart from fish, other foods containing iodine are shellfish and seaweeds, eggs, potatoes, milk and dairy products, cranberries, spinach, chard, garlic, Himalayan crystal salt.
Some foods that have a goitrogenic effect are iodine. They prevent the use of in the body. But these effects disappear with cooking. These foods are cabbage, radish, soybeans, broccoli, cauliflower and rapeseed.
The effects of iodine deficiency increase in vitamin A and iron deficiency. It also has the same effect in selenium deficiency.
Since iodine deficiency particularly affects cognitive and brain functions, salts have been converted into iodized salts to prevent iodine deficiency since the 1900s.
The most common disease that develops as a result of iodine deficiency is goiter disease. It is a disease most common in the Black Sea region of our country. The first symptoms are dry skin, increased blood lipids, intolerance to cold and decreased cognitive functions. Iodine deficiency, especially in children, causes much bigger problems. Therefore, attention should be paid to adequate iodine intake. Iodized salt should be used, but it should never be forgotten that iodine is affected by heat and light.
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