Obsessive compulsive disorder is also known as obsession or delusion disease among the public. This disorder is a psychiatric disorder that develops in the form of a person constantly repeating certain movements in order to eliminate the fact that he/she constantly occupies his/her mind and cannot control it, even though he/she knows that it is irrational.
Individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder are in a state of fear because of the anxious thoughts that involuntarily occur in their minds. In order to overcome these fearful thoughts, individuals repeat the behavior that will destroy that thought, over and over again. This situation greatly reduces the quality of life, prevents the person from doing the work he needs to do, and causes him to become extremely tired during the day.
Today, the exact cause of this disease is still unknown, but it is thought to occur due to biological and environmental factors. Biological factors also show excessive activity in a certain part of the brain. As soon as the symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder begin, the brain can become even more active and lead to negative thoughts.
Environmental factors can be listed as harassment, illness, death of a loved one, anxious thoughts about work or school, and concerns about relationships. These factors can trigger a person's obsessions.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder should not be expected to heal on its own. For this reason, it is extremely important to seek treatment.
In cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, the individual's behavioral disorders are systematically identified and treated. Behavior therapy is done directly on negative behavior. In this method, the individual is explained the purpose and logic of the treatment and is taught how to cope with anxiety instead of running away when faced with worrying situations. In drug treatment, drugs are used to increase the level of serotonin in the brain of patients. Device therapy (TMS) treatment, which is another treatment method, is used if there is a condition that prevents the patient from using medication, if the patient complains about medication side effects, if the dose cannot be increased due to side effects, and most importantly, if there is no visible progress despite medication therapy.
TMS treatment creates a magnetic field that pushes brain cells out. n warns. This treatment, which can be used easily by pregnant women and children, has no side effects.
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