How Is Social Phobia And Its Treatment?

The focus of the emotion that arises especially when communicating with unfamiliar people is the thoughts of being criticized by people, humiliated, humiliated and ridiculed. Psychologist Elçin Akdeniz answered questions about social phobia and gave information about its symptoms and treatment. In social phobia, which should not be compared with shyness, people want to stay away from environments that are likely to be evaluated by others, more than a shy person. He/she may feel inhibited and inadequate due to the effects of the phobia. it seems. People with a first-degree relative with this disorder have a slightly higher risk of developing social phobia. In addition to genetic factors, changes in some chemicals in the brain can cause social anxiety disorder.

Of course, traumas have an important place here, as in many mental problems. According to the cognitive approach, there are illogical and biased thoughts that play a role in the formation of social phobia in the formation of anxiety. In addition, behavioral inhibition may also pave the way for the formation of social phobia.


While trying to eliminate the serotonin deficiency with medication, cognitive behavioral therapy helps to change the negative thoughts of the person. is studied. It is aimed to cope with the exaggerated thoughts in the mind of the person and not to prevent their behavior.

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