Is vitamin D trendy or real?

Almost in all health services, starting from the first step, they do not leave you without checking vitamin D.
While we are here, let's take a look at vitamin D... We doctors also argue among ourselves; Is there a problem with these lab results? Why is everyone's vitamin D low?
Is it a trick from the pharmaceutical industry on us? Are we facing a mass health problem?
Vitamin D is one of the essential substances for our body and is actually a hormone. It is a substance that we can only get a small portion of from outside, most of which can be created from the skin through sunlight.
In recent years, it has been found to affect hundreds of genes and we are constantly learning new things about its effects.
Almost 70 percent of the people in Turkey have vitamin D. deficiency was found. Our people generally associate vitamin D with osteoporosis. It is also necessary in our body's fight against cancer. There are studies showing that the rates of breast, prostate and colon cancer are 3-4 times higher in people with low vitamin D.
A relationship has been shown between vitamin D deficiency and death from heart attack, heart failure, cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure.
Deficiency. As it gets deeper, fatigue, muscle weakness, widespread body aches and night cramps occur. The effects of vitamin D deficiency, especially in childhood, are more severe than in adults. In young children, walking delay, muscle weakness, rib cage and bone deformities, and curvature of the legs may develop. In the research conducted on vitamin D with 850 children at Karadeniz Technical University, vitamin D deficiency was found in almost all of the children during the summer and winter months. Although vitamin D deficiency is common in northern regions that receive less sun, this danger is present even in half of Antalya's population. Vitamin D is taken in small amounts from foods, these are fish, natural milk and yoghurt. We get 90 percent of it from the sun.
For this reason, regular vitamin D supplementation has become a health policy in northern countries such as Scandinavian countries, and it is made available to large masses by the government, both as medicine and by adding it to foods such as milk and bread.
The most effective vitamin D supplement is from the sun. What is the way to use it?
Especially between 10.00 and 15.00 Sunbathing without cream for 10-15 minutes 3-4 times a week (30 minutes for dark-skinned and fat people) with arms and legs in contact with sunlight is the most appropriate way to benefit from the sun.
Covering up does not prevent benefiting from the sun. Receiving 15 minutes of direct sunlight on the hands and face at noon meets the needs of that day. Since ultraviolet B rays do not pass through glass, sunbathing behind glass is not effective for the production of vitamin D.

Excess vitamin D, like vitamins A, E and K, can be stored in the body and cause toxic effects. For this reason, it is appropriate to take a moderate vitamin supplement and apply the treatment with the advice of a doctor.
However, if you say you do not have time to go to the doctor, you can use 1 ampoule of vitamin D in winter for adults and half an ampoule for children 2 or 3 times with an interval of 2-3 months. Especially in women with widespread muscle and bone pain, the regression of complaints within weeks following vitamin supplementation supports vitamin D deficiency. If you are wondering about the price of the bulb, it is a little cheaper than 1 dollar. It's not even worth advertising.
Maybe we know very little about vitamin D. Almost all of us are missing it. I wonder if things would change in our country if we add milk to bread?

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