Ovulation Tracking

In infertility treatment, if there is a problem due to ovulation disorder, it is the simplest and first preferred treatment method. Ovulation problems are very common among couples who cannot have children. Many couples can become pregnant with the treatment of this problem.

Menstruation It usually indicates that there is an ovulation problem in those with irregularities or hormone disorders. These patients also benefit from egg monitoring and treatment.

Ovulation can only be determined by ultrasound monitoring and hormone tests. can be understood. Also, the important factor here is whether the patient's tubes are open or not and his/her partner's sperm count should be normal.

How is Egg Tracking Treatment (Ovulation Induction) Applied?

When ovulation induction treatment is decided, it can be determined exactly whether follicles have developed in the patient's ovaries and when the egg will hatch. Various medications can be used in ovulation induction treatment. In this treatment, Clomiphene Citrate, HMG (Human menopausal gonadotropin) and pure > FSH is used. Whichever of these drugs that stimulate ovulation is appropriate, the patient is started, and the drugs are continued until the egg in the ovary reaches the desired size. While using the drugs, the patient is monitored with ultrasonography. When the follicles reach a certain size (18-20 mm ) (hCG) injection is applied. Sexual intercourse is recommended 36 hours after the injection. Information is given about the frequency and timing of sexual intercourse. This treatment should continue for at least 3-4 months for pregnancy to occur. However, if pregnancy does not occur within this period, the next step should be taken to medications and treatment practices. As a next step, 'Insemination', that is, 'Intrauterine Insemination', should be applied to the patients to increase pregnancy rates.

Which Drugs Are Used in Ovulation Induction Treatment? Clomiphene Citrate Tablet:

It is a treatment applied to solve ovulation problems in women. Before starting this treatment, it is necessary to determine that the sperm of the woman's partner is normal. In preparation for a normal pregnancy. The secretion of GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone) from the hypothalamus causes the secretion of FSH and LH from the pituitary gland, ensuring follicle development from the ovaries and ovulation. Problems related to GnRH secretion are usually the cause. It is beneficial to use Clomiphene Citrate to initiate GnRH secretion from the hypothalamus in women who do not ovulate. It has been determined that 35% of women become pregnant. The possibility of multiple pregnancy increases when clomiphene citrate is used. This treatment is easy to use, low-cost, and promising in terms of results. It is necessary to use it for at least 4-5 months. If no results are obtained, the next stage is taken.

Purified FSH:

It is a highly purified form of FSH, a gonadotropin homone. Gonadotropin is the hormone that stimulates the ovaries to produce eggs. Drugs containing this pure FSHenable the development of follicles in patients who do not respond to clomiphene treatment. It is used for the purpose. It is also used to achieve pregnancy by increasing the number of eggs in women with normal ovulation.

Chorionic Gonadotropin:

This preparation is used to crack eggs and ensure ovulation. The effect of hCG enables the release of eggs from the ovaries, just like the LH hormone. The last dose of the treatment is applied to ensure ovulation within 24 hours after FSH. During the hours of ovulation Intercourse is recommended for couples.hCG application is also used in the same way during the insemination period.


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