Does Bladder Tumor Say I'm Coming?

Bladder tumor is the general name for tumors occurring in the urinary bladder. Tumors formed in the urinary bladder can be benign or malignant. Bladder tumor, which is 4 times more likely to occur in smokers, is known as the most common urological system problem after prostate cancer. The incidence of bladder tumors, which are more common in men, increases especially after the age of 50.

You Are Not Vulnerable Against Bladder Tumor

Since cigarettes, paint, solvents and cigarette smoke trigger the formation of bladder tumors, if this If you are exposed to substances, you need to be a little more careful. Although bladder tumors are mostly malignant, benign bladder tumors are also encountered at a rate of 10%. A change in your urinary pattern may indicate a bladder tumor. The most common symptom of a bladder tumor is blood in the urine. Since blood in body secretions can often be a sign of cancer, a doctor should be consulted if there is blood in the urine. In some cases, blood in the urine may not be visible to the naked eye; in this case, looking for other symptoms and taking a urine test are necessary for early diagnosis. Frequent urination and pain while urinating may also be a sign of a bladder tumor.

Do Not Make Your Own Diagnosis

Those who have previously experienced urinary tract infections or passed kidney stones may associate the symptoms in their urinary tract with the diseases they have experienced. The phenomenon of blood in the urine, known as hematuria, may occur depending on the age of the kidney. Frequent urination and painful urination are also often considered signs of infection. However, you should definitely consult a physician to avoid an unexpected result.

Bladder Tumor Treatment


Different treatment methods may be preferred in the treatment of bladder tumors. When determining the treatment method, the location and size of the tumor, whether it has metastasized, the patient's age, medical history and the grade of the bladder tumor should be taken into consideration. Surgical method is generally preferred in the treatment of bladder tumor. Surgical intervention also has different applications. In some cases, the entire bladder needs to be removed, while in other cases The bladder is not removed or part of it may be removed. Radical cystectomy is the procedure of removing the bladder. Transurethral resection is the process of removing the bladder tumor. After this procedure, supportive treatment can be performed with treatments such as chemotherapy. Biological treatments may be preferred to prevent bladder tumor recurrence. Radiation therapy is preferred over surgical technique after surgical intervention or in combination with chemotherapy treatment in the treatment of bladder tumors that progress to muscle tissue.


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