What is Embryo Freezing (Cryopreservation)?

A maximum of 2 embryos are transferred to expectant mothers. If the number of embryos from the expectant mother is more than 2, suitable embryos from the remaining embryos can be frozen for later use. Thus, a second chance of pregnancy can be achieved with frozen embryos, even if the patient has conceived or not.

How Long Can Frozen Embryos Be Stored?

Transfer of frozen embryos to the expectant mother; Increasing the number of eggs (ovarian stimulation) and egg collection is easier, cheaper and less tiring as there is no need to repeat the egg collection. After this period, embryos can continue to be stored, subject to the permission of the ministry. If the patient does not have a chance to obtain embryos again, this period can be extended.

What is the probability of survival of embryos after freezing and thawing?

The probability of survival of embryos after freezing and thawing varies depending on some factors:

Frozen embryos have a 70% probability of survival after thawing. The chance of pregnancy after the transfer made with embryos obtained in this way varies depending on the age of the woman.

How is Embryo Freezing Process Done? How to Transfer to the Expectant Mother

Embryos are frozen using various methods such as slow and fast freezing, vitrification. The freezing method is decided by evaluating many factors such as the patient's history, the number and quality of the embryos. Frozen embryos are stored in special tanks containing liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196ºC. Freezing and thawing processes are performed with the written and verbal consent of both the couples.
When the patient wants to use his frozen embryos, after an easy preparation period in which the patient's intrauterine tissue (endometrium) is prepared, the embryos are thawed and the best quality of the live embryos and those that continue to divide are selected for the mother-to-be. inserted into the uterus with the help of a catheter. The next process is tube b It proceeds in the same way as the midwifery trial.
For detailed information about our IVF Center: In vitro fertilization / IVF Center

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