What is GAPS Diet?

GAPS is the international expression of the relationship between the gut and the brain/body, discovered by Neurology and Nutrition Doctor Natasha Campbell-McBride. GAPS consists of the initials of the words "Gut And Psychology / Physiology Syndrome". Its Turkish equivalent is: "Intestinal and Psychology / Physiology Syndrome".

Problems in the intestines, which are the most effective organ of the body after the brain, occur due to many reasons, from metabolic diseases to psychological disorders. Protecting intestinal health is possible with the intake of functional foods and proper nutrition.

Unnecessarily used antibiotics cause significant damage to the intestines. Antibiotics directly reset the intestinal flora. Unconscious use of painkillers, steroids, birth control pills, sleeping pills, anti-depressants and many drugs that reduce stomach acid also negatively affects the intestinal flora. Wrong eating habits, as well as processed sugary and carbohydrate foods, cause great harm to the intestine. Finally, sleep disorders and physical or psychological pressures and stresses that the person cannot manage have harmful consequences for the intestinal flora.

Psychology Syndromes and Psychiatric Diseases related to Dysbiosis are as follows; Autism, Schizophrenia, Epilepsy, Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Panic Attack, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Eating Disorder (Anorexia, BulimiaNervosa)

Physiology Syndromes and Autoimmune System Diseases associated with GAPS: Acne, Allergies, Anemia, Hair loss, Arthritis, Asthma, Memory Problems, Celiac, Dementia, Diabetes 1, Eczema, Joint Pains, Enzyme and Hormone Disorders, Growth Retardation, Food Allergies, Food Intolerances, Autoimmune Thyroiditis (Hashimoto), Cholesterol Problems, Chronic Fatigue, Ear Infections, Migraine, MS (Multiple Sclerosis), PMS-Menstrual Problems, Parkinson's, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Psoriasis, Cystitis , Blood Pressure Problems, Thyroid Problems, Sleep Problems.

Healthy Intestine, Happy Person

Intestinal health is closely related to the psychology of the person. To ensure this equation, attention must be paid to nutrition. digestive system by protecting the intestinal flora GAPS diet, which helps the human body function in a healthier way, is one of the most important nutrition styles that complete the harmony of soul and body. Thus, the person can have both healthy intestines and a spiritually peaceful life. The first and most fundamental point for intestinal health is to maintain the bacterial balance of the intestinal flora. In a regularly functioning intestine, the rate of beneficial bacteria called probiotics should be high and the rate of disease-causing pathogenic bacteria and fungi should be low. In GAPS patients, the rate of pathogenic flora is high and the intestinal flora is abnormal. Due to this situation, which indicates the damaged state of the intestine, fermented foods and ready-made probiotics that provide probiotics are of great importance in GAPS nutrition. This diet aims to protect the intestinal flora and ensure healthy functioning of the digestive system.

9 Important Foods for the Gaps Diet

In order to start this program, experts should be consulted on this subject and An appropriate treatment plan should be made according to the source of the problem. In order to have a healthy intestine, care must be taken in the consumption of these foods.

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