A question people frequently ask when trying to get to know each other is "What do you like to do in your spare time?" The answer to this question will give us very important clues about the person. Because every activity we do in our free time is our choice and these activities reflect us. We call "hobby" any activity that we choose and do with pleasure and pleasure without any obligation.
Hobbies not only contribute to a person's personal development, but also allow the person to get rid of stress and rest his mind. People with hobbies are open to exploration and innovation. In addition to exploring the outside world, these people also have the opportunity to get to know their own mental and physical abilities. And since these skills vary from person to person, hobbies also vary from person to person.
When we say hobbies, do not think of extreme activities. Reading books, solving puzzles and even writing are also hobbies. People who want to take up a hobby encounter a wide range of options. Many hobbies, from yoga to marbling art, playing instruments, taking photographs, fishing, painting wood, making jewelry, growing plants, chess and archery, are included in this range.
Hobbies are not only used to fill people's free time or to distract people from daily stress. It is useful for much more.
Hobbies increase a person's visual, auditory and verbal abilities. These activities, which we do entirely of our own volition, make us happy, contribute to the development of our self-confidence, make us self-disciplined individuals, and accordingly enable us to be active individuals who can express ourselves better in our social life.
In line with research, it has been observed that activities that require more mental skills, such as solving puzzles, delay the onset of dementia. It has been proven that hobbies with artistic value use the right brain effectively, improve emotional intelligence, relieve stress and increase concentration. On the other hand, it has been observed that sports activities enable the secretion of the "endorphin" hormone in the brain. The more this hormone, also known as the "happiness hormone", is secreted in the brain, the greater the relaxation and happiness in the person. r will increase. For this reason, physical activities such as yoga, pilates and sports activities can be preferred especially by depression patients.
Are you looking for a hobby that will be good for you?
If you want to take up a hobby and have not yet found the right hobby for you, first of all, do you want to do the activity individually or would an activity done with others make you happier? Think about it. Then decide whether you want to do a physically active activity or a calm activity. Finally, answer this question whether the activity you do should generally be in the same place or should it be an activity where you will travel more and find yourself in different places. When you can get the answers to these three questions, you will eliminate many activities and it will be easier to choose one of the activities that is suitable for you.
Let your children determine their hobbies themselves (!)
Sometimes, parents tend to determine their children's activities. they carry. They want their children to do activities that they want to do but cannot do themselves. Let your children decide their own hobbies. Give them the opportunity to do the activities they like and enjoy doing. Even though the activity you want him to do is an activity that contributes to the child's development, if your child does not have interest or talent in this activity, he will not be able to make much progress in that area and will want to quit the activity because it makes him unhappy. Subsequently, your child may perceive this as a "failure" and this may even cause his self-confidence to be shaken. Therefore, support your child in doing the activity he enjoys and in which he can express himself. If your child can achieve significant success in this activity, encourage, guide and encourage him/her to progress.
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