What is Sciatica? Symptoms and Treatment

The sciatic nerve, which is the nervus ischiadicus in medical terminology, is the thickest and longest nerve in the body, descending from the hip to the heel by the union of the L4 – L5- S1-S2 and S3 nerve roots in the lower back region. The disease, known as sciatica among the people, is actually a clinical picture that manifests itself with pain, numbness, stretching and sometimes tingling that spreads from the waist to the hip and back of the thigh as a result of the stretching or compression of the sciatic nerve.

What is Sciatic Pain?

The sciatic nerve runs down the back of the leg. When it reaches the knee joint, it divides into branches and creates motor and sensory functions. The task of the sciatic nerve is to transmit the motor signals it receives from the spinal cord to the hip, leg and foot muscles and to transmit the sensations it receives from the foot, leg and hip to the spinal nerve. .
If the sciatic nerve is damaged as a result of stretching, compression or trauma, a pain is felt starting from the waist and spreading to the leg area. These pains have been known since ancient times. Cotugno first mentioned sciatic findings in 1746. In the ancient Greeks, 'ischias' was defined as pain around the hip, waist and legs, and Hippocrates defined it as pain that affects men between the ages of 40-60.
Sciatic pain can occur in two ways. The pains are either continuous but mild, or they are seen as severe, sudden pains from time to time. These pains are defined as sciatic pain. Diagnosed as sciatica, this disease is commonly referred to as sciatica.

Types of Sciatica Pain

Sciatica can be seen in different types:
1. Acute Sciatica: Acute sciatica is the sciatic nerve network that is in its infancy and lasts 4-8 weeks. Pain is mild and usually does not require treatment.2. Chronic Sciatica: Chronic sciatica is persistent, persistent sciatic pain that lasts longer than 8 weeks. Treatment is required.3. Alternative Sciatica: Alternative sciatica is sciatic nerve pain that affects both legs alternately. This is a rare type of sciatica and can be caused by degenerative problems in the joint.4. Bilateral (Bilateral) Sciatica: Bilateral sciatica occurs in both legs together. This type of sciatica is rare. It can be caused by degenerative changes in the spine or disc, serious conditions such as cauda equina syndrome.

Symptoms of Sciatica

Sciatica occurs as a result of damage or injury to the sciatic nerve. A pain that descends from the lumbar region to the buttocks and legs is typically sciatica. Different symptoms can be seen along with the pain:

What Causes Sciatica?

Sciatica can occur for many different reasons:
