Nail Biting & Intelligence Test

Nail Biting

Nail biting habit, in other words onychophagia, is considered an impulse control disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

This habit, which can begin in childhood, is seen in approximately 30 percent of children, 45 percent of teenagers and 29 percent of young adults. Nail biting tends to decrease in advanced adulthood.

Nail biting is dangerous if it damages the skin or makes the cuticles susceptible to infection. For many people, nail biting is the worst image that occurs mostly on the nails. It has a treatment.


Intelligence Test

Every parent should take care of their child. He thinks that he is intelligent, even extraordinarily intelligent. However, intelligence is the power to overcome an obstacle and the state of perceiving details. It is confused with learning. We cannot say that the one who reads quickly and understands is intelligent, and the one who reads and understands a second time has a low intelligence level. We can only say that the learning speed of the two is different. In our center, the WISC-R intelligence test is performed. The child's mental age and type are revealed

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