How Successful Can an Unhealthy Child Be in Educational Life?

The warm and pleasant holiday days are over. Millions of students filled school desks again. Most of them said 'hello' to the school for the first time. A long and difficult marathon awaits our children, which will continue until June. Children will sweat with great excitement in this marathon. Parents will follow this period with hope and excitement. In order for students to be successful in this marathon, they must be determined, determined, hard-working and healthy.

It should be considered normal for children to be successful in education, as well as not being successful. If a student cannot be successful in school life; One should not immediately attribute this to the child's inadequacy and laziness. Sometimes the basis of failure may be an unrecognized or underestimated health problem or psychological distress.

As a doctor, I would like to leave the other dimensions of school failure to other articles and authors and draw your attention to the health dimension.

The child must not have a significant health problem in order to be successful in school; Physical, spiritual and mental health must be very good. If the child is healthy and even in perfect condition in all these aspects, the probability of failure will be much reduced. One or more of the disorders we will briefly explain below are sufficient for children to fail at school.



Psychological problems that may lead to school failure:


Symptoms of teenage depression:  If your child is constantly unhappy, Depression should definitely come to mind if one does not want to do anything, is feeling distressed, is careless and indifferent, has a decrease in energy and interest, has eating and sleeping problems, and has a decrease in school success.

Anxiety (anxiety). ) symptoms:If your child has inappropriate and excessive anxiety even though there is no known reason, if he or she is startled at the slightest sound, if he or she has fatigue, tension, muscle aches, unreasonable sweating and unreasonable tremors, and if he/she avoids studying and taking responsibility, then definitely consider anxiety. should consider.

Symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity:Initiating and continuing tasks that require mental effort If the task is difficult, if he cannot complete the assigned tasks and homework on time, if he gets bored of the lesson very quickly, if he lingers on the lesson or homework for longer than necessary, if he misses the details and makes simple mistakes, if he is forgetful, disorganized and disorganized, if he cannot stand still, if his hands and feet fidget, if he is unnecessarily and if he talks a lot in an empty way, frequently interrupts others, and cannot wait his turn, there is a high probability of attention deficit and hyperactivity.

How can a child with these characteristics be successful? If it is not noticed in time and consulted with a child psychologist or child/adolescent psychiatrist, the problem is not limited to school failure but can also lead to other very serious and important problems. Therefore, parents should carefully evaluate their children in terms of the characteristics listed above; If the mentioned features are present, one should consult a specialist as soon as possible and ensure that treatment is started without wasting time.


Organic disorders that can lead to school failure:

Eye disorders:Children should have their eyes examined if they have not had an eye examination recently or before starting school. Because the child may have a refractive error that requires the use of glasses, and this situation may not be noticed from the outside. It is normal for a student who cannot follow his teacher and the blackboard because he cannot see well to fail. Therefore, the child should be examined and evaluated in detail by an ophthalmologist. By starting to use glasses, the failure will decrease and disappear rapidly.

Hearing disorders: Likewise, since his ears cannot hear well, his lessons are not sufficient. When the hearing of children who fail because they cannot follow and understand to a certain degree is corrected, the failure will disappear quickly. Therefore, children who have not had an ear examination or hearing test before starting school or recently should be examined by an ENT specialist.

Adenoid enlargement and sleep apnea: They also tend to sleep with their mouth open and snore in childhood. adenoids that cause adenoids, shortness of breath during sleep, etc. e disorders such as overly large tonsils; by preventing children from sleeping efficiently and satisfactorily; It causes them to feel sleepy and dizzy during class hours and prevents them from following the lesson carefully. Therefore, children with the above characteristics should be examined by an ENT specialist and their treatment should be started; Having surgery, if necessary, will enable them to be more vigorous, fitter, more alert, more interested and, as a result, more successful during class hours.

Anemia and chronic diseases:Continuous weakness, exhaustion, rapid Complaints such as getting tired easily, loss of appetite, restlessness, insomnia, and getting sick frequently and easily may be due to anemia or an insidiously progressing disease. A student with these complaints is doomed to fail. Therefore, children with the above characteristics should be examined by a pediatrician as soon as possible; The disease should be diagnosed early and treatment should be started without further delay.

The complaints summarized above may also be a sign of diabetes, liver or kidney disease.

Coughing for weeks or even months, coughing that increases at night or when tired, coughing frequently, wheezing and a child who wheezes may have a chronic disease such as asthma or allergic bronchitis. A child with a constantly runny nose, stuffy nose, wheezing, frequent sneezing, nose and eye itching, sore throat and postnasal drip may have hay fever (allergic rhinitis). Unless these disorders, which can also cause severe headaches, are treated, adequate school success will not occur.


The following disorders may also lead to school failure:

-Headaches, chest pains, constant stomach and abdominal pains, severe bone and joint pains,

-Urinating and pooping in the pants,

-Aching, numerous bruises and / or missing teeth. (ugly mouth and teeth appearance also affects the child psychologically)

-Excessive fatness (obesity),

-Excessive thinness.


>Each of the disorders that we have summarized only a part above negatively affects the child's health and causes school failure. It may lead to . Starting the treatment of these diseases without wasting time will eliminate school failure. For this reason; parents review the condition of their offspring in detail; If they have the above complaints and symptoms, or if they have other important complaints, they should immediately consult a qualified health institution and ensure that the relevant specialist begins treatment. And to our valued teachers, the apple of our eyes; It is of great importance that they evaluate the situation of their students from the aspects summarized above, inform the parents and guide them to ensure that the students are examined.


I wish all our children and our valuable teachers a healthy, peaceful and successful academic year.



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