Are you a victim of mobbing?

Mobbing literally means "social bullying by one or a group of people against someone or another group."

So how does this happen?

-Through Psychological Violence< br />
-Through pressure

-Through intimidation

-Through harassment


-Through investigation

-By causing distress

-Through disturbing

If one or more of these methods are directed at you, it means that you are under mobbing and unfortunately you are a victim. It signals that you are in a position.

Mobbing is one of the biggest employee problems of recent times. It especially causes psychological problems and unavoidable conflicts in the workplace. Although communicative conflicts come first, it is obvious that a major legal conflict will follow.

Our work, our profession, which covers a large area of ​​our lives, becomes pregnant with great dangers through mobbing. The most important of these is undoubtedly our psychological resilience and health. While mobbing can be applied much more easily from superior to subordinate today, it can also turn into a form from subordinate to superior over time, as communication is completely disrupted and communication barriers become insurmountable. Mobbing, which is similar to violence in this aspect, has the potential to inflict violence on the violent; As the individual whose psychological health is threatened is exposed to mobbing, he or she may become a mobbing practitioner using different methods from subordinate to superior. This is usually;

-Not following instructions

-Coming late

-Postponing/not doing things/doing wrong


-Position threat

-Disregard/rebellion of the hierarchical order occurs in forms such as mobbing from subordinate to superior.

Mobbing damages the victim's perception of profession, sense of professional integrity, and sense of professional self. At the same time, it increases the person's self-doubt and causes paranoia and confusion.

In scientific research, mobbing;


-sleep disorders

-mood disorders


-high blood pressure

-anxiety disorders such as panic attacks

-causing health problems such as heart attack

Mobbing can be felt intuitively in individuals who are about to be exposed to it or have been exposed to it. Even the suspicion of this is sufficient evidence that mobbing has begun. For this reason, it would be beneficial to meet with a specialist before this strong psychological pressure surrounds you and exploits your psychological health. In other words, while meeting with an expert before a legal problem arises will help prevent the problems from escalating further; It will be a shield and strong evidence for you in case a legal problem arises.

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