We are in such a busy pace that sometimes we don't understand how it is evening when it is evening. We take everything and everyone as a burden to ourselves. As our own haste is not enough, we also take on the burdens of others. There are days when we don't even realize that we are tired. In such a situation, we need to stop and think, what is going on, where is it going? The moment we feel the work, troubles and rushes increase, the moment we forget ourselves, the moment we try to look strong all the time, we realize that we need to slow down the pace of life a little bit, and we immediately review our lives.
No matter how hard you run, how hard you try, some things It won't happen the way you want, it won't happen.. you will suddenly feel that your efforts and good intentions are wasted. When that moment comes, you will realize that you have to put your own burden on your shoulders and you will take the opportunity to think because you feel tired. And it will make you feel that you exist.
When you do what you need to do, when you are where you need to be, when you love as much as you should, when you purify your life from that busy rush and sacrifice, you will be grateful for your existence and thank yourself.
Of course, being able to thank you will include apologies in your life. First of all, you will apologize to yourself for living your life in a rush and for putting your feelings and yourself in the background. Maybe you will apologize by leaving what you need to be in a constant rush in your life, maybe by giving place to every emotion, but you will apologize in some way.
Afterwards, she has reshaped her life and tensions, burnout, jealousy and anger will be replaced by a calm atmosphere of peace. You will see that you cannot reach everyone and you will learn a lesson and move on.
Finally, life will not go on with the hustle and bustle, but with giving due to the moment� � Hope you see that you don't have to keep up with everything and everyone, your family, you and your responsibilities are your priorities...
With my best regards
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