Behavior defined as procrastination or delaying behavior negatively affects every aspect of life, from academic life to business
life. According to experts, we mostly procrastinate in academic matters such as exams and homework. Routine tasks, decision making and compulsive procrastination are other common areas where we procrastinate.
So what should we do to avoid procrastination?
There are many definitions of procrastination in the psychology literature. However, we can say that the point of convergence is 'delaying'. It would be correct to define it as the delay in reaching the necessary goal to be achieved as a result of postponing a priority task due to lack of self-monitoring and regulation
In general, procrastination situations A task with less importance and priority is done before a task with greater importance and priority. In addition, it is known that procrastination behavior
has thought and emotional dimensions.
The type we see most is 'not doing academic tasks such as finishing homework along with studying for exams, or trying to do them at the last minute'. academic postponement. Another one is 'procrastination in routine tasks', which is the difficulty in organizing daily tasks and starting and finishing them on time, which we can also consider as one of the most difficult types, in conflict situations or in the face of more than one option
being indecisive. 'postpone decision making'. Finally, it is a type of 'compulsive procrastination' that involves delaying the work that needs to be done along with decision making
There may be many different reasons why individuals postpone the work that needs to be done;
-Dissatisfaction with the work that needs to be done
-Exam anxiety
-Lack of self-control
-Fear of criticism or disapproval
-Learned helplessness
-Perfectionist personality traits
-Fear of failure
Procrastination behavior can lead to positive and negative emotions in a person. There are studies indicating that procrastination behavior can be beneficial. According to this; especially necessary but not pleasant to do While it is more logical to leave things for later and do something they enjoy, it can make people feel better. A study found that individuals who procrastinate do not talk about their negative emotions because they avoid an unpleasant task and engage in more enjoyable activities. For example, some students stated that they were more successful when they were under time pressure and therefore exhibited the behavior of procrastinating studying. From this point of view, although it seems that procrastination brings out positive emotions in the short term, we can say that spending pleasant time with friends instead of studying for the exam does not always have a positive effect. There are studies showing that it does
People who procrastinate feel depressed, helpless, sad, angry and disappointed in themselves. When people notice procrastination, they experience feelings of inadequacy and guilt, self-acceptance, shame, dishonesty, tension and anxiety
Even though it leaves negative effects, people consciously engage in procrastination
There are also studies saying that they made decisions.
Based on this, perfectionist personality traits and irrational, in other words, thought styles that are not rational
are features that mostly feed procrastination behavior.
The nature of procrastination behavior is based on the fragile self-control of the person. It has the purpose of protecting his/her respect
. People with low self-esteem or self-confidence may expend less effort and abandon tasks more quickly. It is associated with the feeling of anxiety and distress that accompanies the individual's inability to start, continue or even finish the work that should be started and finished within a certain time period. People with high anxiety will postpone more because they engage in more avoidance
behavior. Another reason:
It can be said that the person's belief that he is inadequate is the reason. Individual reasons for attempting a new subject
are the individual's ability and the results of the expectation of success associated with effort
affect procrastination behavior. The presence of motivation and ability at sufficient levels reveals self-efficacy and will support the individual in starting and continuing a job
Procrastination To deal with the behavior:
Creating a to-do list and dividing it into categories as "things to be finished today - things to start today -
things that may or may not be enjoyable". Under each category, placing a check mark next to the relevant item when a list suitable for that category is made and completed.
- For the motivation to complete a task; Listing the advantages and disadvantages of the long and short term consequences of doing that job at that moment.
- Finding evidence of whether the thought patterns that cause procrastination are correct or not.
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