Oral Care in Braces Treatment

Orthodontic (braces) treatment is a treatment performed for jaw or dental disorders or irregularities, with the aim of achieving a more aesthetic and healthier mouth and tooth structure. These treatments are performed with removable devices and appliances (palate brackets) that can be removed and installed by patients, or appliances (brackets) that are glued and fixed on the teeth by the specialist.

Patients who use removable appliances remove their appliances during meals. The most important point that these patients should pay attention to is this; After every meal, they should definitely brush their teeth thoroughly before putting their appliances back on (even if they brush outside without using toothpaste). If the food residues that will remain on and between the teeth after the meal are not effectively brushed away, they will remain under the appliance, and stains and cavities will begin to appear on the teeth much faster than in mouths without appliances. However, they should brush their appliances with soap and water using a toothbrush at least twice a day. For more effective appliance cleaning, we recommend that they use a "denture cleaning tablet" on average every two days.

In this way, our patients who perform oral and dental care and appliance maintenance regularly will be free of tooth stains, caries, gum problems or mouth problems throughout the treatment process. They do not experience odor problems.

For patients using fixed appliances, brushing teeth is much more important. Because these patients cannot remove their appliances during meals and eat with them on. Since metal or ceramic brackets that are attached to the teeth by the dentist do not have flat surfaces, they create areas suitable for food residues to stick more on and around them. In order to effectively remove these food residues, the patient must put in more effort and effort than other individuals.

Patients who use fixed appliances (braces) always keep their toothbrush with them, even if it is small snacks, after every meal, even without paste. He must definitely brush his teeth. These patients can use medium hardness normal toothbrushes or the more effective "Autodontic Brush". To get a more detailed clean after night brushing: They should also benefit from "Interdental Brush" and mouth care water.

If these care rules are not followed, unfortunately, at the end of this long-lasting orthodontic treatment that requires patience and effort, you will be faced with well-aligned but unfortunately stained or decayed teeth. can participate. Therefore, it is essential for all patients to take this care in order to have both beautiful and healthy teeth.


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