
Constipation: Constipation is generally defined as "reduction in the number of stools and difficult defecation or unsatisfactory defecation".

The primary reasons for this condition, which negatively affects the body's comfort, are; In addition to insufficient water and fiber consumption, it is the delay of defecation. Most of the patients with constipation have a sedentary life, low calorie diet intake, low education level, and depression. Another common situation in patients is the use of drugs with constipation side effects.

The most permanent method to prevent constipation is lifestyle change. The individual should first adopt the Mediterranean diet in his diet and add green leafy vegetables, grains, fruits, fermented foods and olive oil to his plate. Foods high in fiber should be consumed or fiber supplements should be taken. It has been reported that with an increase in dietary fiber intake, faecal volume increases and intestinal transit time is shortened. The increase in stool volume is mainly due to the water-binding properties of dietary fibers, which helps prevent constipation. Another important feature of dietary fiber is that it has low energy value and delays the emptying of the stomach by increasing the viscosity of the stomach content due to its water-absorbing feature. Since the stomach is not empty, the individual's desire to eat decreases. In addition, it takes a long time to chew and swallow foods containing dietary fiber, creating a feeling of satiety. It is known that when a diet high in dietary fiber is supported by drinking plenty of water, a feeling of satiety will be created for a longer period of time.

Another change should be about movement. You should take your life out of a sedentary life and adopt an active lifestyle. The slogan “Movement is health” should be assimilated. Movement supports the peristaltic movement of the intestines.

Lastly, very valuable prebiotics and probiotics should not be forgotten, and foods such as yogurt/kefir should have a place in our lives. Probiotics are injured bacteria that live in your gut, and recent studies have shown that healthy gut microbiota can prevent many diseases. e passes. The foods that feed these healthy bacteria are prebiotics. Prebiotics are found in fruits (blueberries, raspberries, pears, apples, bananas, watermelon), vegetables (spinach, kale, chard, broccoli, peas, leeks, artichokes, asparagus) and whole grains (wheat, barley, bulgur, oats).

As a result, versatile nutrition, adequate water consumption, an active life are the magic keys of a healthy body.

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