When the ends of the uterine canals, that is, the tubes, close as a result of infection and previous operations, fluid accumulates inside and takes the shape of a sausage, which is called hydrosalpinx. If there is infection in these enlarged tubes, it causes severe pain. It also causes abdominal swelling due to the mass effect.
In women who want a baby, these enlarged tubes must be removed. The reason is that toxic substances in the accumulated fluid prevent the embryo from settling. When it is unilateral, it affects the pregnancy and pregnancy success that will occur from the tube that is open in the same way.
The operation is performed with general anesthesia. The abdomen is entered via laparoscopy. The condition of the uterus, ovaries and tubes is examined. The enlarged tube is removed with tools called cautery or ligasure to minimize bleeding. Sometimes, in cases where the tubes are very attached to the intestines, they can be cut and left by cutting off their connection with the uterus at the point closest to the uterus. After the procedure, the abdominal cavity is washed with fluid and the operation is terminated.
The total duration is about 30-60 minutes.
There are no serious problems related to the procedure other than laparoscopy complications.
>Generally, if there are no problems after the surgery, our patient can be discharged from the hospital on foot after 4-5 hours.
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