It is transmitted from common shawls, even from clothes in the cabin!
Allergies are often seen as the cause of persistent itching. The last thing that comes to mind is scabies, which is easily transmitted through human-to-human contact. However, the transmission of scabies is so easy... Experts even warn about common shawls that we hug tightly when it gets cold in cafes and restaurants.
Scabies, a skin condition caused by small mites, causes rashes in various parts of the body. These rashes, which usually start between the fingers and spread to other parts of the body, turn into unbearable itching after a while.
A great increase in scabies cases continues after the pandemic.
One person scabies happens and how is it transmitted?
Is scabies transmitted from common areas?
It can also be transmitted from clothes tried on in stores and shawls in cafes Is it?
Why did scabies cases increase during the pandemic period?
All these questions and more were answered by Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty Hospital Chief Physician and skin and venereal diseases specialist Prof. Dr. Zekayi Kutlubay, Dermatology Specialist Prof. Dr. Sedat Akdeniz, Dermatology Specialist Dr. We asked Ayşe Ferzan Aytuğ.
Scabies, which is a parasitic disease caused by the mite species 'Hominis', especially between the fingers, wrists and armpits. Saying that it causes intense itching in the whole body, especially in the abdomen, Prof. Dr. Zekayi Kutlubay said, “Increasing itching is experienced at night in scabies. Due to this intense itching, rash and sores can be seen on the skin. It is usually transmitted by direct and close contact with someone who is sick. In order for it to be transmitted from person to person, a direct contact of at least 15-20 minutes is usually required. It can also be transmitted by sleeping in the bed of a person with scabies and using their clothes without washing them.” prof. Dr. Kutlubay said, “Allergic itching is usually seen after the causative factor, while itching in scabies is especially seen at night and wakes you up from sleep. Allergic itching usually runs in the family. While r is not seen in people; Itching with scabies is also seen in other family members.” Dr. Kutlubay explained the reason as follows: “The increase in contact especially in crowded families due to quarantine at home and the delay of patients in applying to the hospital due to coronavirus caused an approximately 2-3-fold increase in scabies cases. One of the reasons for the increase is the development of resistance to the drugs used. Treatments are delayed due to resistance, the duration is prolonged and the transmission increases.”
Prof. Dr. Akdeniz, on the other hand, stated that the incidence of scabies increased in practice, but epidemiological studies could not be conducted during the pandemic period.
"We can clearly learn the increase rates with the data of the studies to be conducted. Negative social living conditions, migrations, crowded living spaces are important factors among the reasons for the increase in scabies. The fact that there have been migrations supporting this in our country may have played a role in the increase of scabies cases. Global warming is one of the important factors in the increase of cases all over the world and in our country.”
Prof. Dr. Saying that scabies is a necessary parasite, Kutlubay emphasized that there is a possibility of transmission with the use of common shawls. By airing, the scabies parasite does not die immediately. Such clothes should either be washed at 60 degrees or kept in a sealed bag for 7 days. Only in this way can the parasites die.”
Prof. Dr. Akdeniz emphasized that scabies can be transmitted mainly by close skin contact, and pointed out that it can be transmitted by sharing the same bed or sleeping in the bed of someone with scabies, less frequently with shared clothes and towels. . However, for example, short-term contact with a person who has a scabies parasite is unlikely to transmit scabies, longer contacts are required. However, Norwegian scabies, which is one of the most parasitic types of scabies, can cause it to be transmitted even by short-term contacts.”
Even though we hear it from time to time, we can hardly distinguish it. container We asked about ulu scabies, Prof. Dr. Kutlubay said, “Scaly scabies, also known as Norwegian scabies, is a type of scabies that is characterized by common crusty sores that occur in patients with weakened immune systems. Since there is little or no itching in crusty scabies, the number of parasites increases. The number of parasites in a normal person with scabies is around 12. But the number of parasites in crustacean scabies reaches millions.” The answer of the experts we asked was 'Yes'. Dr. Akdeniz said, “If it is someone who carries a lot of parasites, this probability increases even more. Scabies can also be transmitted from the seats we sit on in public transport and the surfaces we cling to. This is also a low probability, but the seat used by the person carrying the scabies parasite after hours of travel becomes very risky in terms of contagiousness." Emphasizing that the first formula of protection is to avoid close contact, Prof. Dr. Kutlubay said, "One should not wear the same clothes, sleep in the same bed, and use the same personal items as the person with scabies. Everyone in the house should use medicine, whether it's itchy or not." Stating that scabies cases were detected in each of a group of 10 friends who gathered in the same cafe every day, Aytuğ said, “Overcrowded living conditions, sleeping together, sharing clothes and towels, unhealthy hygiene conditions are known as important risk factors for a scabies epidemic. He stated that common hot and closed public areas, gyms, cafes, beauty salons, schools, hospitals, public transportation and spas are important contamination areas. DISINFECTANT DOESN'T BENEFIT ALSO
Prof. Dr. Akdeniz stated that following the general hygiene rules is effective in preventing contagion and underlined that cologne and similar alcohol-based antiseptics do not affect the scabies parasite. Aytuğ said, “Excessive use of disinfectant or cologne disrupts the skin barrier, causing all kinds of microbes to easily enter our skin. He stated that early diagnosis and treatment are as important as taking precautions in scabies infection.” Dr. Kutlubay stated that scabies in humans and animals are different and said that contrary to popular belief, it cannot be transmitted from animals such as cats and dogs to humans.
Some people incorrectly associate scabies with a lack of hygiene. Cleaning does not prevent scabies, as the parasite mite lives in the deep layers of the skin and therefore cannot be washed. So having scabies doesn't mean a person is dirty. Instead, it means being in close contact with someone or something who has an infection.
For scabies Saying that there are cream and lotion treatments, Prof. Dr. Kutlubay stated that the treatment usually takes two weeks.
"It may need to be repeated at a certain interval and frequency. Treatment of family, partner, friend is essential. Oral medications can be used in resistant cases. Although the mite dies, itching in the body may continue for a longer time. Itching does not always indicate that the disease continues. ."
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