The word probiotic is derived from the Latin roots “pro” and “bios” and means “for life”. The largest organ we carry in our body, our intestines are exactly 350 m2 in size and are also the living space of probiotics. Each of us carries 10 times more probiotic bacteria in our intestines than the number of cells in our body. We call these bacteria "Probiotic Bacteria", which, when taken in sufficient quantities, enable us to live healthy and protect ourselves from diseases.
Acquiring more of these bacteria from outside, creating more space for them in our intestines, and increasing their numbers as much as possible is a very important preventive health element. Remember, the more and more diverse the probiotics in your intestines, the safer your health is. Probiotics are not addictive in any way.
There must be a healthy gut for a healthy brain
That's right. The intestines and brain are physically and biochemically connected by the central nervous system. The vagus nerve is a large nerve that sends signals between the intestines and the brain. In the past, scientists have said that a human body has about 100 trillion bacteria and only 10 trillion human cells. But now, according to the latest estimates, there are approximately 30 trillion human cells and 40 trillion bacteria in our bodies. The majority of these bacteria are in our gut, so they are in direct contact with the cells that line your intestines and everything that enters your body. In this case, it is debatable who lives in whose world.
Fermented products are a good source of probiotics
Wrong. Not every fermented product containing live bacteria is considered a probiotic food. These bacteria cannot reach the intestine alive and cannot be considered probiotics. On the other hand, nutrition is a profit-loss relationship and fermented foods can cause high blood pressure, edema, reflux and stomach sensitivity due to their salt content.
Yoghurt is enough to meet our daily probiotic needs.
Wrong. The yogurt in question contains several types of bacteria. However, stool analyzes showed that some bacteria in yoghurt could not reach the intestine alive. other ba Although the criteria were able to reach the intestine alive, they did not survive. Therefore, we cannot consider yoghurt as probiotic.
All probiotics have the same effect.
Wrong. Not every “probiotic” has an absolute probiotic effect. Due to physiological differences between species, microbial differences in the digestive tract, feeding behavior and the difference in the environment in which it lives, a microorganism may have a probiotic effect in one species but not the same effect in another species.
Depression is an intestinal disease, not a brain disease.
That's right. When we talk about happiness, the first hormone that comes to our mind is serotonin. Approximately 95% of serotonin is produced by probiotics in the intestines, and 5% is produced by the brain. The intestines are also the most important organ of the immune system. So, the first and main thing we need to fix in our immune system and therefore in depression is nutrition. Nutrition directly affects our intestines, which in turn directly affects our happiness.
Breast milk is naturally probiotic, so probiotics can be used from birth.
That's right. Breast milk has naturally probiotic properties. Therefore, probiotics can be used from birth. Probiotics are used even in adapted formulas produced for babies who cannot breastfeed.
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