When Can the Corona Vaccine Be Used? Will Everyone Be Vaccinated?

The coronavirus epidemic, which started from a single person and affected the whole world, continues to spread even faster, let alone losing its effect.

Is a COVID-19 Vaccine Found?

The coronavirus epidemic, which started from a single person and affected the whole world, continues to spread even faster, let alone losing its effect. The increase in the number of people infected with the virus has led to an increase in the number of patients in need of intensive care. The health system in most countries is on the verge of collapse. In this process, the biggest development that will allow the pandemic to slow down and end over time is the discovery of a vaccine. Finding a vaccine in a normal time, performing the necessary clinical trials and approving the vaccine in the light of the data obtained is a process that takes many years. For example, the first effective vaccine against the Ebola virus was approved 43 years after the virus was discovered. The discovery of many potential vaccines for SARS-CoV-2, which started to spread in late 2019, is a great development in the history of medicine.
In the past years, information obtained in epidemics caused by different types of viruses from the Coronavirus family; It has greatly benefited and accelerated the studies on new type of corona virus vaccines. It has greatly benefited and accelerated the studies on new type of corona virus vaccines. In order to understand more easily at which stage the vaccines are, it will be useful to know the stages of vaccine production in general. In vaccine development:

Preclinical Study: The aim at this stage is to find an effective vaccine candidate. For this reason, an antigen is determined to create an immune response in the body. With various technological methods, how the antigen-related response develops is monitored both in the laboratory environment and in the living body (usually in the animal body). The vaccine tested at this stage is a All data related to the uncle's safety are recorded. Information about vaccine efficacy and safety is of great importance for the vaccine candidate's usability in human trials. Vaccine candidates who successfully pass preclinical (pre-clinical) studies can progress to the next phase.

Phase 1 Vaccine Studies: At this stage, the vaccine candidate is tested on a small group of healthy people, approximately 20-80 people. About the vaccine candidate used for the first time on humans; Data are collected on whether it is safe, whether it creates an adequate immune response, whether the administered vaccine dose is at an effective and safe level, and what side effects are related to the vaccine. If the vaccine is a vaccine developed for children, it is administered to children after being tested on adults first. The purpose of phase 1 vaccine studies is to test the safety of the vaccine in general and to determine the dosage that will create the appropriate immune response in humans. Vaccine candidates who successfully complete this phase can move on to the next step.

Phase 2 Vaccine Studies: Vaccination candidates who reach this stage are tested on groups of several hundred people. Phase 2 studies work with randomized groups. Some people in the study are given the vaccine, while others are injected with an inert solution (placebo). Participants in the experiment do not know whether they received the real vaccine or the inert solution. In this way, it is understood more accurately whether the response seen in patients is due to placebo or the effect of the vaccine. In addition, people from the group at risk for the disease can participate in the phase 2 vaccine study. The main purpose of the phase 2 study; Detailed examination of the antibody response to the vaccine, determination of the appropriate vaccine dosage and method of administration. Studies on vaccine safety continue in more detail than the phase 1 phase. Vaccine candidates who successfully pass this stage can progress to phase 3 vaccine studies.

Phase 3 Vaccine Studies: At this stage, the vaccine candidate is tested on thousands of people. vaccine in phase 3 trials; It is tested on people living in different geographical regions, in different gender and age groups, of various races, and on people with different underlying disorders. In this way, overcome The effectiveness and reliability of the product are tested on a large group of people. Phase 3 vaccine studies are carried out in various health centers in different countries. Vaccine candidates whose efficacy and safety rates are at the desired level as a result of phase 3 studies can move on to the next stage.

Acceptance and License: Vaccination candidates who successfully complete the test phases apply to the relevant national or international committee for acceptance and licensing procedures. As a result of the examinations carried out by the committee, vaccine candidates who are found to be effective and safe are licensed. The licensed vaccine is ready to be administered. Post-license vaccine production, distribution and development issues; continues to be followed by the committee.

Phase 4: This phase takes place after the vaccine is put on the market. Conditions such as the effectiveness of the vaccine, the incidence and severity of side effects are monitored. For example, this phase is important in terms of providing more effective immune response by changing the vaccination schedule and providing data.

Vaccine development; It is a complex process that takes a long time and requires high technology. There are many organizations that continue the COVID-19 vaccine studies that the whole world is looking forward to. According to the latest data released by the World Health Organization, 11 different organizations are in phase 3 in vaccine studies. In our country, COVID-19 vaccine studies continue. There are vaccine candidates who are in the phase 3 phase. If these vaccine candidates successfully complete the remaining phases, the domestic COVID-19 vaccine may be ready for use in 2022.
COVID-19 vaccine studies continue in our country. There are vaccine candidates who are in the phase 3 phase. If these vaccine candidates successfully complete the remaining phases, the domestic COVID-19 vaccine may be ready for use in 2022.

What Are the Types of COVID-19 Vaccines?

Many different companies offer coronavirus vaccines. continues its work. Different types of vaccines can be used to create an immune response to the coronavirus. Methods used in vaccines under development:

Inactivated / Attenuated Vaccine: In this type of vaccine, the weakened inactivated state of the virus causing the disease is not included in the vaccine content. howl. Thus, while the inactive virus does not cause disease, it can create an immune response. The coronavirus vaccine developed by Sinovac company is an inactive type vaccine.
Protein-Based Vaccines: This type of vaccine contains various protein fragments contained in the virus. The immune system creates antibodies against these protein fragments. Thus, when it encounters the virus again, it immediately recognizes and destroys the virus.
Viral Vector Vaccines: In these vaccines, genetically modified viruses are used with scientific methods. These viruses do not cause disease. However, by producing some proteins produced by disease-causing viruses, it enables the immune system to produce antibodies against the actual virus.
RNA or DNA Vaccines: In this type of vaccine; Genetic materials are used to create a direct immune response in the body. Pfizer/BioN Tech and Moderna vaccines are among these types.

Is COVID-19 Vaccine Necessary?

It is thought that vaccines developed against coronavirus will end the pandemic. The absence of an effective treatment method against Covid-19 increases the necessity of the vaccine even more. Although Covid-19 affects those with advanced age and chronic diseases more seriously, it has even caused the death of people from all age groups. Almost everyone has a relative with Covid-19. Vaccines show great promise in preventing the spread of this virus in the community and preventing complications related to the disease.
It has been reported that the developed vaccines have achieved great success, especially in preventing the progression and aggravation of Covid-19. Again, vaccines are of great importance in preventing further loss of life caused by the pandemic.

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