Men's breasts actually consist of breast and fat tissue, just like women's. However, because the hormones secreted in men are different from those in women, breast tissue does not develop and normal-looking male breasts are formed. However, in some cases, female-type breast enlargement may be observed in men. We call this situation “gynecomastia”.
In fact, during adolescence, many men's breasts grow larger than normal due to hormonal changes and take on a gynecomastia appearance. However, approximately 90% of them spontaneously shrink and reach their normal size after the age of 20-22.
Gynecomastia often occurs idiopathically. So there is no known underlying cause. However, it can sometimes occur due to reasons such as liver diseases, testicular tumors, use of various medications and muscle-building hormones, and obesity.
There are two surgical options. One of them is "liposuction" and the other is an open surgical technique. Which technique will give good results in which patient depends entirely on the content of the breast structure and the experience of the plastic surgeon. Gynecomastia can be divided into three types according to the tissue type it contains: glandular (breast tissue predominant), lipomatous (fat tissue predominant) and mixed type (breast and fatty tissue mixed). Liposuction provides adequate treatment for lipomatous type and some mixed types of gynecomastia. Skin sagging after liposuction is also very rare, especially in young patients. However, in glandular type and large size gynecomastia, open surgical technique must be applied. Because breast tissue is too hard to be broken down and absorbed by liposuction. However, if the breast size is large, the emptied skin after liposuction may sag and cause undesirable appearance. In the open technique, excess tissue is removed through an incision made in the lower half of the circle where the nipple and skin meet. After this surgery, the patient will not have any visible scars.
The patient can return to work 2-3 days after the surgery. She must use a corset that will put pressure on her chest for 6 weeks.
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