Suggestions for Families During the Divorce Process

If every method has been tried and there are no physical and spiritual ties left to keep the couple together, the couple enters the divorce process. The emotions, conflicts, and trials that took place before the divorce decision are replaced by physical separation and the couple planning the post-divorce process separately. In families going through divorce, therapy usually aims to provide guidance. Planning for child custody, living arrangements, and frequency of contact with children should be made during this period. Generalizations about the impact of divorce on children are not always accurate. Each situation needs to be handled differently. It is preferable to be with separate happy parents rather than living in a family where there is constant conflict. Reducing conflict in the process is the most important goal of therapy. A family going through a divorce goes through a period of mourning. They reorganize. They learn to relate in different ways and create new life goals. The effects of divorce may appear differently on the parties who want the divorce and those who do not. Periods of anger, despair and detachment follow each other. It is important that communication between parents continues for the healthy spiritual development of children and for the reorganization of their lives.

When explaining to children;

- The reason for the separation is explained as clearly as possible.

>- It is emphasized how much they are loved and attached to each parent individually.

- It is explained that the divorce process is about adults and that they are not at fault.

- Where and with whom the children will live. All questions that may arise in the child's mind, such as how often they will meet with the separated parent, are clearly expressed.

- For older children, you may need to explain in more detail. Give the most real answers with all your sincerity.

For the child during the separation process;

- It is appropriate for the parent who has less emotional bond with the child to leave the house.

- The moving process should be calm. , children should be kept away.

- The child's opinion should be sought when preparing his/her room in the new house.

- The child should not go between houses with a suitcase. It should be ensured that he/she has enough belongings in both houses.

- Whatever happens to children regarding divorce No matter what, supporting the respect of both parents, reminding them that they do not have to make a choice, and denigrating statements that blame the other party should be avoided.

- Parents need to leave the past behind and focus on the future.

Both parties should support each other's parenting. He has to trust and respect his skills.

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