Traumatic Stress Disorder

The long-term effects of situations such as threats to bodily integrity, desperation,
state of horror, war, attack, accident, earthquake, harassment that cause fear of death, and the fact that the experienced
symptoms are vital. It is also possible to be affected by the traumas of others. Feeling of living over and over again Startle, restraint in emotions, turning inward, staying away from people, thinking that he has no future, outbursts of anger, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, exhaustion,
altered mood, partial forgetfulness, sleep problems and psychosomatic

People store their experiences with a story and fill in some
gaps with the story. Traumatized people sometimes transfer these traumatic effects to the next generations without realizing

Children of traumatized mothers are afraid of being separated from their mothers
, and children of traumatized fathers are subject to chronic stress and depression
/> they develop a predisposition.

Sometimes the suffering of the family continues in the next generation. First
boys take over the father's unresolved issues, while firstborn girls
take over the unresolved issues of the mother.

The hippocampus, the brain region responsible for forming memories, and the amygdala records everything
. Traumatic events are suppressed due to the accompanying emotion.

Emotions accompanying the trauma are suppressed without processing and remain a source of tension
. Therefore,
these emotions are frozen
and the ongoing threat perception is processed and stored in the memory again, making it easier for the person to adapt.

Treating the trauma is not making the person forget this memory, it is the trauma
It is to re-make sense of the frozen emotions by processing it. > support is effective in overcoming trauma.

After trauma, people usually experience a feeling of alienation from themselves and their environment. This is a dissociative condition and is a defensive reaction to protect mental integrity in
trauma situations.
Feelings of shame and guilt, and holding oneself responsible for life are among the common

Many traumatic experiences, large and small, can be found in people's lives.
While the effects of major traumas are long-lasting and devastating, minor traumas
can be overcome more easily. Fear is an emotion that is learned very quickly.
What can have more traumatic effects.

Emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, domestic
substance abuse, domestic mental abuse or mental illness, divorced
parent, incarcerated family member, and many other different situations.
People who have experienced 4 or more traumas are at an increased risk of developing different diseases
. The risk of developing drug addiction, heart attack, digestive
diseases, respiratory diseases, eye diseases, cancer, etc.

As the number of trauma increases, developmental delay in children at the developmental stage
occurs. The risk of developing a number of emotional and personality disorders
is increasing.

Trauma is located in the right brain. The individual's self-power, ego capacity,
are effective in the rate of being affected by trauma, and therefore, people who have had the same trauma
are not affected at the same rate.

As the traumatic experiences increase, the person's perception of life, perception of the future,
his view of himself and the outside world is affected by this. He may begin to see himself as worthless, the outside
world as dangerous, and his social relationships as risky. Spontaneous
attention shifts more and more towards the negative. By losing hope and joy, the person can become depressed by falling under the effect of regretful guilt of the past. It is very important to get rid of it as soon as possible. lyre Or there may be some
blanks and the person can fill in the blanks himself. The main condition consisting of the traumatic
experience is loss of control, helplessness and pain.
If the symptoms last longer than 2 months after the trauma and
if it starts to impair vital functionality, it makes life difficult for the person
post traumatic stress disorder He receives the diagnosis. /strong>
Hyperarousal, dissociation, freezing
due to vulnerability, state of horror, fear, mental confusion, intense
increase in thought, cold sweat, difficulty in breathing, rapid heartbeat
There is an energy trapped in trauma, and this energy uses and destroys both the physiological
spiritual field. Mental preoccupation revolves around trauma
. Often, in order to cope with these effects, after
people may start to use alcohol - substance and develop addiction
. People begin to avoid situations that evoke the traumatic event
and their life becomes restricted. Escaping and avoiding behaviors
lead to the chronicity of the trauma effect.

Trauma is a stress disorder with an obvious cause and should be treated.
Some phobias may develop in people who have experienced multiple traumas and personality
disorder may develop.

Traumatic events that disrupt the homeostasis balance of the person sometimes occur by nature
and sometimes they are created by humans.
People experience
over and over again in their minds in constant negative ruminations. they have or often see them in their dreams. They can give physiological and psychological reactions to situations that evoke events. Difficulty in maintaining
daily life, social isolation, limitation of emotions or
blunting, attention problems can also be experienced.

Sometimes people talk about their trauma in a blunt emotionless way
and avoid the painful emotion. Mechanical explanation
When we neutralize the trauma through psychotherapy, we may be able to prevent
from affecting the future and making her life difficult.
Memory channels consist of images, images, emotions and body sensations
. Anterior Cingulate is the center of the brain where emotion and logic are processed. By applying the EMDR method, we warn this place during treatment with eye movements
. We study the past and change the present

Controlling one's anger towards oneself and others,
returning to loving oneself and others, regaining control of life
Elimination of extreme restlessness, anger and dissociative
situations is a priority. It is important to
increase motivation for recovery, to cling to the trauma, to prevent it from
to identify with the trauma, and to remove
from the role of victim.

Incomplete issues, sadness, disappointment, trauma effects
is passed down from generation to generation. Murder, rape, abuse, neglect are the 4 types of trauma that are passed on to the next

0 – 3 years old traumas are sealed in the body. The person does not remember, but the body
does. In children who are brought up close to the family, the family often imposes their traumas on their children without realizing it
and they continue to negatively affect their lives in the future. In a sense, the family occupies the children
and prevents them from being autonomous. Forcing the child in matters that the child does not need
can also have a traumatic effect. Addressing children as mommy,
daddy, my love confuses the child and is not healthy
. Children sometimes inherit the feelings imposed by the family that do not belong to them. This creates an obstacle for him to experience himself and his own
feelings in the future.

The effects of trauma can also occur as physical complaints and diseases
. Untreated mourning, unresolved anger, unfinished desperation
always continue to destroy a person.

New wounds that have been opened also bleed old wounds. So dealing with trauma
means not letting the past completely destroy the future
. The goal of therapy is also to improve coping skills.

People often cannot cope with situations that trigger trauma.
situations that are fused with therapy are differentiated by deviation.

Mothers who have the habit of constantly pitying their children also cause a kind of
trauma. They unwittingly impose intense guilt
feelings on the child. The more the person harbors bad feelings
the greater the risk of getting sick. Experiencing ambivalent
feelings all the time, being ambivalent, being unsure is a condition that
increases the cortisol level and invites cancer.

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