What is the Sunnah of the Prophet (Hypospadias)?

It is a congenital defect that can be observed in 1 out of every 300 newborn male babies. Normally, the urethra should end at the tip of the penis, but in children with hypospadias, the urethra inside the penis is shorter and the urethra ends at the lower part of the penis instead of the tip.

What are the Symptoms of Hypospadias?

(prepusium) absent at the base of the glans penis. This condition is called circumcised prophet or congenitally half circumcised. /li>

  • Downward bending of the penis in case of erection,
  • Petting towards the feet, not the opposite side, due to the location of the urinary canal. For this reason, children with hypospadias can pee sitting, not standing.
  • Sexual dysfunctions can also be observed in people with hypospadias who are not treated until adulthood.

    Why Does Hypospadias Occur?

    Mother It is a condition that occurs during the development of the baby in the womb. Although the exact cause is not known, genetic predisposition is shown as the most important source.

    How to Diagnose Hypospadias?

    Prenatal diagnosis can be made with ultrasound during pregnancy. If it was not possible to diagnose with ultrasound, it is possible to diagnose with a simple physical examination after birth.
    The most easily understood symptom is the incompleteness of the foreskin in the baby. However, although rare, there are babies with normal circumcision, although they have hypospadias. In this case, it is possible to diagnose hypospadias by scraping the foreskin backwards.
    Another most common congenital problem with hypospadias is undescended testis and inguinal hernia. For this reason, it should be checked whether children with hypospadias have testicles and whether they go down to the bags. In addition, hypospadias can be observed together with hermaphroditism (sex differentiation problems).

    How is Hypospadias Treated?

    The only treatment option for hypospadias is surgical intervention.
    In hypospadias surgery;

    In this way, the functions of the penis are both corrected and aesthetically appropriate.
    Hypospadias surgery is a very technical and sensitive operation. For this reason, it is of great importance that the surgeon is competent and experienced in these operations.
    There are different methods that should be selected according to the type of hypospadias. The surgical procedure may take between 1 and 4 hours, depending on the method chosen.

    Should Children with Hypospadias be Circumcised?

    In many hypospadias surgeries, the prepusium, or foreskin, is used to repair the missing urinary canal. For this reason, you should never get circumcised without consulting your doctor.

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