The content and quality of the food the mother eats during pregnancy is important. Especially foods containing chemical additives affect the health and life of the baby. Taking substances that we call teratogenic substances during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage and also causes a number of anomalies in the unborn child. However, women should avoid foods containing high amounts of sugar during pregnancy and breastfeeding. These foods rapidly increase the amount of sugar in the blood and can have serious addictive effects. They act through sugar opioid receptors in the brain, creating addiction to such sugary foods. Opioid receptors are the most important receptors responsible for addiction in humans. If opioid receptors are repeatedly triggered by sugar, artificially increasing serotonin levels, the human body stops producing and secreting serotonin naturally. Serotonin is responsible for controlling mood and appetite 58. Without serotonin, a person becomes depressed and craves to eat more sugar. This leads to an emotional connection between happiness and sugar. Sugar addicts cannot do without sugar to increase serotonin levels and be happy. The name of this phenomenon is "emotional eating". Over time, emotional eating becomes sugar eating, which inhibits thermogenesis, leading to increased fat tissue. In addition, this high sugar level in the mother affects the physiology of the baby, so problems such as sugar addiction, diabetes and obesity may arise in children. For this reason, not consuming foods containing high amounts of sugar and chemicals is of vital importance for the health of mother and baby.
The mental health of mothers during pregnancy and the newborn period directly affects the psychology of the unborn child. For example, depression and other psychiatric problems are common in children of mothers who experienced depression during pregnancy. Serious attachment problems, anxiety disorders and depression are common in the children of mothers who suffer from a disease called postpartum depression, popularly known as puerperal depression. In addition, during breastfeeding, due to the nutrigenetic properties of milk, diseases in the mother are transmitted to the baby. For this reason, the general and mental health of mothers during pregnancy and newborn period Having health in place is of critical importance in raising healthy generations.
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