Migraine Treatment

Studies have shown that 90% of all people have a headache at least once in their lifetime. Headache types collected in 14 subclasses by the International Headache Association are divided into primary and secondary, that is, primary and secondary. Primary headaches account for 90% of all headaches. Neurological examination is completely normal in this type of headache and no other underlying disease can be detected. The most common types of primary headaches are tension-type headache and migraine.

What is Migraine?

Migraine is a type of primary headache that usually comes in attacks. Studies have shown that it is seen in women at a rate of 90%. The throbbing severe headache, which is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, often affects one side of the head. In some cases, it can start from the nape and spread to the eyes.
Migraine pain is thought to occur due to enlargement in the vascular structure of the person. The risk of migraine in people with a family history of migraine and in the children of people with migraine is higher than the general population, so migraine is thought to be a genetically inherited disease. In addition to genetic transmission, environmental factors also play a role. Migraine is examined under two subtypes, with and without aura.
Migraines sometimes occur once a month, sometimes 2-3 times a week. In migraine types with nausea and vomiting, the pain often subsides after vomiting. During pain, the patient is disturbed by light and sound.

What are the Symptoms of Migraine?

The first stage of migraine-induced headache is the stage in which herald symptoms are seen and is seen in 80% of patients. Such hereditary symptoms may begin hours or even days before the actual attack. Results; It may be in the form of depressive mood, increased activity, irritability, irritability or sleepiness, discomfort from light and sound, yawning, stiffness in the neck, craving, diarrhea or constipation.
The second phase is the aura phase and its incidence is 30%. . Various neurological disorders are seen in patients at this stage. Most often, symptoms such as visual disturbances and numbness in one half of the face are observed.
The third stage is the headache stage. mi A grainy headache can occur all over the head and face. Pain is unilateral in most patients, but it can be bilateral and is usually throbbing. Neck pain, stiffness and tension are also seen in 75% of patients along with headache.
Pain lasts from 4 to 72 hours if left untreated. Pain usually increases with physical activity and movement. Nausea, vomiting, light and sound disturbance are also observed during pain. Although headache is seen in the majority, there are also people who do not. Although it is very rare, a migraine attack can occur without a headache.
The final stage is the recovery stage and the person may experience mood changes, weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, irritability and concentration impairment.

In case of headache and in the following cases, it should be suspected and further investigations should be made:

In these cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor without wasting any time and carry out further examinations.

What are the Factors Triggering Migraine?

It is extremely important for the patient to know exactly what the factors triggering migraine attacks are in terms of recognizing and avoiding preventable attacks. Just avoiding the triggering factors can provide a serious decrease in the number of attacks. Although migraine attacks often occur suddenly, internal and external triggers factors also cause some attacks to occur. Although the triggering factors that accelerate the emergence of migraine attacks differ from person to person, they can be listed as follows in general:

Diagnosis of migraine How Is It Diagnosed?

Migraine is diagnosed with clinical symptoms. The presence of specific symptoms in patients makes the diagnosis. It is useful to have Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) done to the patients in order to rule out other underlying pathologies.

How to Treat Migraine?

Migraine treatment is divided into two as direct treatment of attacks and preventive treatment. In the treatment of attacks; Simple pain relievers, including paracetamol, aspirin, some anti-nausea drugs and triptans are used. Preventive treatment, on the other hand, is necessary in migraine attacks, which are common enough to affect the daily life of the person.
It can be said that the first precaution to be taken is to avoid lifestyle changes and triggers. If these measures are not sufficient, some blood pressure, epilepsy and depression medications can also be used within the scope of preventive treatment. In such a case, these drugs should be used regularly on a daily basis to reduce the frequency and severity of migraine pain, with or without pain.

Migraine and Acupuncture

The most commonly used treatment for migraine treatment in Western countries One of the methods is acupuncture. Acupuncture has the ability to increase the release of endorphins in the body, and endorphin is a powerful pain reliever. At the same time, acupuncture activates the calming substances found in the body.
One of these substances is serotonin. Seratonin provides relaxation thanks to its calming and anxiety-reducing properties. It is observed that migraine attacks become rarer after acupuncture treatment. Scientific research, migraine treatment It shows the success rate of acupuncture application as 80%.

Migraine and Botox

With many international studies conducted in the last fifteen years and published in reputable medical journals, Botox in headache, especially migraine Its efficacy and safety have been proven. In many studies, botox treatment has been shown to affect the quality of life less than drug treatment.
It is a well-known fact that it is used safely in the USA and many European countries and is supported by most private health insurances and the government due to its cost-effectiveness. The treatment of chronic migraine with botox was approved in 2010 by the FDA, which is an official organization that approves the drugs after strict examinations in the USA. In our country, most health insurance providers cover the cost of botox treatment.
Botox achieves its effect in migraine by preventing the activation of pain pathways by being carried along the nerve cell. It has been proven in studies that Botox is effective and applicable even in children. The thing that patients are most curious about about the application is whether they will be hurt.
There is almost no pain because it is performed with local anesthesia and very fine needles before the application. Thanks to the painless botox treatment, it is possible to return to daily life immediately. The fact that Botox treatment has very few side effects compared to drug treatment is also an important reason for preference.
To learn more about migraine, which severely impairs your quality of life, and to be enlightened about treatment options, you should definitely consult a Neurology specialist.

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