Orthodontic Treatment with Transparent Appliances

Irregularities in the arrangement of teeth in the mouth may occur due to various reasons such as developmental anomalies, early loss of primary teeth, and some habits. In recent years, transparent appliances have become frequently preferred as an alternative to braces, which have been used for years to correct these malalignments. Thanks to transparent appliances, the teeth are brought to their ideal and required position without any aesthetic concerns.

    After the necessary measurements are made by the dentist, it is decided whether the patient's tooth alignment can be treated with transparent appliances. Before starting the treatment, the patient's photographs are taken and evaluated together with intraoral measurements and requested x-rays. At the end of the evaluation, after the final shape of the teeth at the end of the treatment is shown to the patient in the computer environment, the treatment begins in accordance with the patient's approval.

    The treatment duration and the final shape of the teeth become clear with the simulation. After wearing each appliance for 20-22 hours a day for 2 weeks, the patient should visit the physician for control and transition to the new appliance. Treatment duration varies depending on the condition of the teeth. The most important point for completing the treatment with transparent appliances in the planned time and as desired is patient cooperation. The patient is promised to use the appliance regularly for not less than the specified period.

    Advantages of the transparent appliance; Since they are difficult to see from the outside, they do not pose an aesthetic problem.

They can be removed while eating.

Since the patient can put it in and take it out of his mouth, it is easy to clean the teeth and the appliance and the risk of caries formation is reduced.

It minimizes mouth sores, bad breath, pain and irritation problems.

It can be applied at any age.

One has an idea of ​​what the result will be like before starting the treatment.


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