Beware of Seasonal Transition!!

People experience certain difficulties during seasonal transitions. Changes in weather conditions, especially after the summer months, decrease in sunlight due to the onset of precipitation and cloudy weather conditions, and the fact that people have to spend time in closed environments can negatively affect their mental state. With seasonal changes, there are changes in a person's basic body functions. An increase in the need for sleep, an increase in appetite, and a decrease in the person's energy may cause a feeling of unhappiness and inner distress. When we look at the symptoms of seasonal depression, we see complaints about not enjoying life, reluctance, constant sleepiness, apathy, loss of energy, increased appetite, a depressed mood, and complaints about attention and concentration. The onset and duration of seasonal depression symptoms and the extent to which these symptoms affect the person's daily life are important. Symptoms can be prevented with some suggestions offered to people.

*It is very important to benefit from daylight during this period. Even if the weather is cloudy, you should take a walk for at least 30 minutes a day and take advantage of the daylight. It is known that regular exercise is protective against the risk of depression.

*In order to prevent seasonal depression, especially working individuals should be careful to meet the necessary light needs of their work environments and keep the temperature settings under control.

* Care should be taken to eat healthy and take necessary vitamins and minerals.

All forms of depression can be serious. If you feel or experience any symptoms of depression, you should get support. It should not be forgotten that postponing depression treatment will significantly increase the extent of the disease.


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