Psychological Impact of Male Sexual Problems

1. Raising conditions and traditional male sexual role:
An important part of what boys socially learn about being a man while being raised is to be a sex machine who can always want sex and is ready for sex. . Men are trained to capture women and satisfy their desires, and they often have to distinguish between sex and love. Men tend to distinguish between women with whom they have sexual intercourse and women who will be respected and married. When they love and internalize a woman, they have difficulty in having passionate sexuality with her.

2. Not being able to go beyond the traditional sexual role:
The traditional male sexual role affects men in their general relations with their wives. It pushes you to be active and decisive in your sexual life as well. It also suggests that the man can always have sex and should not reject the woman. Since the reality is not like this, many men force themselves to play the traditional male role and perceive the problems that arise as "failures". Rapidly developing "fear of failure" can cause sexual problems because it causes performance anxiety. The aim of sexual intercourse is not to achieve something, but to achieve a satisfactory sexual life with the sexual partner.

3. Negative body image and low self-esteem:
Sexual dysfunction once When sitting, its effect on the individual's self-perception may lead to the continuation or worsening of the sexual problem. A man's sense of masculinity can collapse with erectile dysfunction, and the anxiety triggered by such feelings can contribute to the continuation of erectile dysfunction.

4.Passiveness, shyness:
Some cases of premature ejaculation have a pronounced passivity. There is a problem. They usually express their anger and anger in passive ways. These people, who have difficulty rejecting or saying no to anything, instead do things that they seemingly accept, which will frustrate the other party. These people usually choose women with dominant and sometimes masculine characteristics as their partners. While on the one hand they say yes to everything they say and seem to submit, on the other hand they show passive resistance. wasted early This is a form of passive resistance and disappointing the other party.

5. Strict religious and moral beliefs:
Religious beliefs and strict moral views in men increase sexual desire. Because even in the strictest religious and moral beliefs, men's sexual desire and pleasure are considered normal and expected. However, strict religious beliefs can prevent a person's different sexual pleasure tendencies and lead to arousal and orgasm problems. In many cases where arousal and orgasm difficulties continue, premature ejaculation and sexual desire disorder may develop over time.

6. Problems in the relationship with the mother: It can cause various difficulties in the relationship. In its simplest and most common type, erectile dysfunction is based on the continuation of an unconscious sexual attachment to the mother.

7. Problems in the relationship with the father:
Sexual pleasure in boys with strict and punitive fathers. It may lead to unconscious fears of being punished by the father.

8.Personality problems:
Schizoid personality disorder: Sexual intercourse with a woman occurs in men who were not able to have a close emotional and physical relationship with their mothers during infancy. The desire for closeness and relationship may be low. Although these people can engage in sexual activities on their own, they may not desire sexual intercourse with a partner.

Dependent men who are fond of their mothers may not want to have sexual intercourse, although they can establish non-sexual emotional and physical closeness with their wives or lovers and enjoy it. These men, who are dependent and overly fond of their mothers and wives, seek support and affection in the relationship and avoid the sexual intimacy required by adulthood.

9.Gender identity and orientation problems:
Even though some men are gay, they are aware of this and get married or have relationships with women. A man who chooses this type of life with the desire to camouflage himself against the environment or to hide it from his family members may have sexual intercourse with a woman at a young age with the help of physical stimuli or fantasies. Thinking about a man while making love with his wife They may be gassy. But after a while, their desire to maintain sexual intercourse with a woman decreases and disappears. Sometimes, because a homosexual man finds homosexuality unacceptable, he suppresses his homosexual desires and is unaware of them, and in addition to displaying anti-homosexual attitudes, he may behave like a flirtatious man who changes lovers frequently. However, after a while when he gets married or when a relationship lasts a long time, he loses his sexual desire. While they can sometimes be with their partners in situations that partially satisfy their homosexual desires, they may show reluctance in situations that do not stimulate their homosexual desires. Activities such as fantasizing about his wife being with someone else, making his wife talk about her past sexual relationships, forcing his wife to have fantasies about him being with other men, and sometimes forcing his wife to have sex with another man are situations that can stimulate and partially satisfy homosexual desires.

In some men, Homosexual orientations are not strong enough to prevent a heterosexual relationship, but they may create obligations, such as being with masculine, strong, dominant women, or they may only allow anal intercourse with a woman. Trying to enable a person with a clear homosexual orientation to function in a heterosexual relationship will be useless in the long run and is not an appropriate approach.

10. Inadequate, incorrect sexual information, taboos, myths, false beliefs:
Sexual information obtained from the previous generation and peers is often incomplete, insufficient and even often inaccurate. In many cases, sexual information was obtained from bad jokes heard in adolescence or from other children who already had inadequate sexual education. Incomplete and insufficient sexual information also makes it easier to believe in sexual myths and false beliefs.

11.Sexual abuse and traumas:
It is most common in men who have been exposed to sexual abuse and trauma. The most common sexual dysfunctions are erectile dysfunction and desire disorder. Some men may be disturbed by their wives' hair, the smell of their genitals, or discharge if they have a disease, and they want to avoid encountering these. may avoid sexual intimacy for this reason.

13.Stuck in the early stages of psychosexual development:
The development of sexual drive throughout childhood goes through many steps until it reaches the mature sexual stage dominated by the sexual organs. A severe fixation in one of these steps creates a search for satisfaction through sexual acts without sexual intercourse, or may lead to reluctance to sexual intercourse, arousal and orgasm problems.

14.Masked paraphilias (Sexual perversions):
No person's sexual desires are the same as anyone else's. However, nowadays, as the sexual experiences of others are learned through various means such as movies and books, people's sexual experiences are becoming more and more similar to each other. Even though some people have different sexual desires, they accept the average of what they see and hear as normal and force themselves to comply with it. However, exhibitionism, voyeurism, fetishism, sexual sadism, sexual masochism, etc., which are considered sexual perversions. Many people have tendencies like this. Escaping from one's own private desires and turning to styles that they consider normal reduces their sexual pleasure. In this way, repeated and unsatisfying sexual experiences can also reduce sexual desire after a while. Some of the men who masturbate or prefer to watch pornography instead of making love with their wives are people who cannot tell their private sexual desires to their wives, and instead try to satisfy these desires through fantasies or by watching movies. Because some men find their own desires perverted, they do not want to involve their wives in them and try to satisfy their desires by masturbating, watching movies or through paid relationships.

However, in some people, sexual desire is fixated on a single component of sexual intercourse and sexual intercourse with a partner. Does not allow intercourse. Since the person suppresses these desires, he does not feel the desire to have a sexual relationship, neither in a paraphilic way nor in any other way. If such tendencies are not strong enough to allow sexual intercourse, treatment approaches that will enable the person to realize his sexual desires and include them in his sexual life will be useful.

15.Marital conflicts:
As in women, male Attachments may also respond to marital conflicts and relationship problems with sexual reluctance. Especially feelings of anger and resentment reduce the desire to share pleasure with the partner. Sometimes, marital problems also disrupt sexual desire because they lead to depression or anxiety disorders.

If there is significant discord, anger and resentment between the spouses and these problems cannot be resolved, sexual dysfunction may occur in any or both members of the couple. It can also lead to the continuation of a dysfunction that occurs for another reason. For many couples, sexuality, love and general harmony are in a very close relationship, and a problem in any of them is reflected in the others. If one of the partners has lost interest in or resented the other, a satisfactory sexual relationship cannot usually be maintained.

16. Loss of interest in the partner:
The loss of attraction between partners is usually reflected in sexual functions. The change may occur spontaneously or with aging or physical changes (obesity, crippling surgery, poor hygiene). Men's sexual desire for their wives may decrease as they begin to see their wives as mothers in the later stages of the relationship or because they do not find them as stimulating as before because their physical appearance has changed. Men, whose sexual desire for their wives decreases, especially after having children, that is, after their wives cease to be young women and enter the role of mothers, sometimes begin to live like a young teenager. Their sexual interest in their spouses, whom they now see as a "mother" figure, decreases.

17. Intimacy problems:
In individuals with severe schizoid, narcissistic and obsessive personality pathology, sexual reluctance begins in the beginning of the relationship. Even if it is not, when closeness and commitment begin to develop, a decrease in sexual desire may occur as a reflection of the desire to move away from the relationship. Intimacy problems can lead to desire disorders, as well as being one of the most important reasons for orgasm problems and delayed ejaculation in men.

18. Lack of sexual experience of the spouse:
Under the influence of culture, men marry girls who have no sexual experience. They tend to choose as spouses. This inexperience stems from not knowing how to behave during sexual intimacy,

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