The ovaries are two oval-shaped organs located on both sides of the uterus and in the abdomen in women. They are responsible for egg development and hormone production every month in women throughout the reproductive age. Structures that usually form as fluid-filled sacs next to or on these organs are called ovarian cysts.

Ovarian cysts can be seen in most women during the reproductive age. Most of these cysts are small, harmless and disappear on their own without causing any symptoms.

What are the types of ovarian cysts?

The most common ovarian cysts are Functional Ovarian Cysts. . These are Follicle Cysts and Corpus Luteum Cysts.

Functional Ovarian Cysts

1) Follicle Cysts: Every month, one of the ovaries, called a follicle, contains eggs. A cyst-like structure begins to grow. This structure also produces hormones called Estrogen and Progesterone. In the middle of the month, the follicle membrane breaks down and the egg is released. After this event, called ovulation, the egg is captured through the tubes and begins to move into the uterus. If it encounters sperm during this time, it is fertilized and pregnancy begins. The egg that does not meet the sperm is carried into the uterus, loses its vitality and is excreted with menstrual bleeding.

If the follicle membrane does not break down in the middle of the month, ovulation will not occur and the follicle will continue to grow. This cyst is a follicle cyst.

2) Corpus Luteum Cysts: Normally, after the follicle membrane breaks down and ovulation occurs, the follicle begins to shrink. If the follicle grows again and continues to fill with fluid, the cyst formed is a Corpus Luteum cyst.

Drugs containing Clomiphene citrate used for ovulation treatment can cause the formation of Corpus Luteum cysts. they know. The formation of these cysts does not prevent pregnancy from occurring, nor does it cause any harm.

Other Cysts:

1)Dermoid Cyst: These cysts may contain different tissues such as hair, bone, and fatty tissue.

2)Cystadenoma: These cysts consist of cells lining the outer surface of the ovaries. These cysts are filled with water-like or thicker gel-like fluid.

3) Endometrioma: The tissue that lines the inside of the uterus, called endometrium, settles on the ovaries and forms a cystic structure. These cysts are also called Chocolate Cysts because they contain a dark brown and dense liquid similar to melted chocolate.

4) Polycystic Ovary: When the egg matures and cannot be expelled from the follicle, it shrinks a little and continues to exist by settling just under the surface of the ovary. It makes you do it. Many small cysts are arranged side by side 'like a string of pearls' under the surface of the ovary.

What are the symptoms of ovarian cysts?