An orthodontist should be consulted when an orthodontic problem is first encountered or suspected. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that the first orthodontic evaluation be performed before the age of 7. At this age, first permanent molars (6-year-old teeth) and permanent incisors are usually in the mouth. During this period, crowding, malocclusion, lack of space and other problems can be evaluated. The earlier some problems are recognized and corrected, the less negative effects they will have. Thanks to early treatment, thumb sucking, abnormal swallowing and speech problems can be better evaluated and treated.
Treatment methods that can be applied to children between the ages of 7-12 are as follows
Preservation of the existing place by applying a space maintainer in case of early loss of primary teeth
Habit in children with bad habits such as thumb sucking and tongue thrusting application of crushing appliances
Bringing the tooth to its proper position by using removable appliances in single-tooth crossbite cases
Directing jaw growth by using a chinrest in cases where the lower jaw is positioned forward
/> If the lower jaw is positioned behind due to upper jaw stenosis, performing upper jaw expansion to allow lower jaw development
In the treatment of skeletal problems caused by the development problem of the lower or upper jaw The most appropriate time for treatment is the pre-adolescent period, when growth and development take place (between the ages of 12-13 for boys and between the ages of 11-12 for girls). This period ends on average around the age of 15 for girls and around 16 for boys. Treatment during this period may eliminate the need for surgical orthodontic treatment at later ages.
In the case of only dental problems, it is sufficient to complete the primary dentition and transition to permanent dentition. In such cases, treatment is possible at any age. However, as bone density increases with advancing age, tooth movement time increases and in parallel with this, the treatment period may extend.
The most active treatment timing in orthodontic treatments is between the ages of 10-13.
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