Pandemic and Children with Special Needs

Even in normal times, when many things are not going well in their lives, when they are already having a hard enough time... Oh, and the pandemic...

Schools are on holiday, and rightfully so are private educational institutions.. Well, now these are our children with special needs. And how are their families doing? While it is difficult to keep some of our children in their rooms at home for a long time, how do they cope in such a process? And what should we do to make this process easier for them?

First of all, as parents, brothers and sisters, neighbors, we will be PATIENT, UNDERSTANDING AND CALM. Now is the time for unity and support. Please let's do it justice..

You know, just as we adults are role models for all children, we will also be role models for our children who have different needs. Believe me, children are stronger than us. Everyone knows that if a 3-year-old child and a 50-year-old adult break their arm, the healing rate will be different and the child will outperform the adult by a wide margin. This is how children deal with their mental injuries faster than we do. Therefore, the more we normalize and calm the process; The child will calm down and normalize it that way.

Dear adults, families, please do not say that they do not understand or listen to me. Capture the moment when he is most open to communication and explain it to him at a level that he can understand and is appropriate for his age. Tell him so that he can understand what happened to this world.

First of all, our brain loves routine. Your special children also love routines. You know, many of our children react to change. Create a daily routine at home. In this routine; You can create wonders if you have lessons, activities, free games, breaks, reading books, kitchen chores.

Every person wants to occupy a place in this world, wants to be noticed, known, and seen. That's why Give appropriate housework responsibilities. For example, matching socks. Look, by doing this; You worked on many skills such as color, matching, fine motor, long and short. Most importantly, you made him feel that he had a responsibility in this house and strengthened his place in the world. Socks were an example, please diversify them, there are many pages of websites and we all have phones. I believe you can find even better ones.

I know there are families who are worried because their immunity is weak. What to do; follow your child It is best to call the doctor who knows you and follow his recommendations.

You mean training, right? What about education? You are absolutely right. You will try to continue at home as much as possible, but also ask your teacher. Seeing his teacher on the screen for even 5 minutes and hearing his voice will activate his memory. These 5 minutes, maybe 10, maybe 20... I'm sure valuable educators are already volunteering for this.

Calmness, routine, and continuing the lessons in the best way we can at home will save us from this process with the least harm.

Hope to see you in healthy days..


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