To Stay in Shape Without Dieting

In these days when obesity is increasing day by day, losing weight has become a common problem covering all segments of society, including women, men, young and old. Sedentary life, the fact that we can do our work from where we sit with the advancement of technology, and the spread of fast food culture can be cited as the reasons why we are a country heading towards obesity.

Whatever you say about the solution, a healthy and balanced nutrition plan that is sufficient for our ideal weight with the help of a dietician. We can come here easily and without going hungry. If you do not have time to go to a dietitian in the hustle and bustle of life, you can get rid of your excess weight in a healthy way by integrating the advice I will give into your lifestyle.

1.) Reduce your portions. The most effective step in losing weight without dieting is to reduce portion sizes. If you used to eat 2 plates of food, try to fill up with 1 plate.

2.) Use small plates. Let's feed our eyes before we feed our stomachs. When you eat the same amount of food on a small and flat plate, it will already seem like a lot to you and you won't feel psychologically hungry.

3.) Make room for salad on your table. They are very low in calories and high in antioxidants and fiber. With a salad prepared according to the season, you will fill our stomach volume and feel full for longer.

4.) Eat your meals slowly and chew well. When you eat fast, you may be full with just one plate of food, but you eat more before you can slow down. Eat your meals slowly and chew your bites well to understand that you are full.

5.) If you think you cannot control your appetite during meals, drink 2 glasses of water half an hour before meals.

6.) Believe in the power of snacks. When you take too long between meals, you become very hungry and involuntarily overeat at the next meal. To prevent this, have small snacks that will prepare you for the next meal.

7.) Make sure you drink enough water during the day. Sometimes we feel hungry even though we are just thirsty.

8.) Stop thinking that sugar-free, light products are healthy. Consume products sold under these and similar labels frequently, thinking that they are calorie-free and healthy. If so, maybe you're making the biggest mistake here. No food is calorie-free, as with everything else, it requires moderate consumption.

9.) Don't forget exercise. Add sports to your list of things to do during the day. The best sport is the one you can do. After choosing the sport that suits you, try to make it a routine. After a while, you will feel the difference both spiritually and physically.

10) You have started to do all this, now what you need is a little patience and determination. Just as the weight was not gained in 1 month, it will not go away in 1 month either. It is not far to reach your goal with permanent and correct nutrition steps.

Stay healthy.


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