Hello, the subject of our first article is of course Motherhood…

Motherhood enables a person's entire life and inner world to change and gain new experiences. Just as the baby is born physically, the mother must also be born psychologically. This birth of the mother is actually her new identity. Just as we all have different characters, this new identity of ours emerges in a different way, and this takes some time.

Being a mother involves the labor that every woman carries out in her mental world, and this labor has a profound effect on the mental structure of motherhood, which is a deep and special field of experience. It is achieved by paving the way. The mindset of motherhood is not formed when the baby first cries in the delivery room. It emerges gradually with increasing efforts in the months before and after the actual birth of the baby. It is important to notice the stages of this inner world. You should not forget that as you prepare to become a mother, you may encounter an experience unlike anything else in your life.

As a new mother, I can say; I was afraid, I dreamed, I hoped. These affected my feelings and the work I did. When my baby was born, I had the opportunity to rethink some of my values ​​(If you wonder how you found the opportunity while getting used to this new life, which was very tiring at first, you have to create that opportunity yourself ☺ ). Then I saw that my preferences and tastes began to change. It may be surprising, but sometimes I had the opportunity to review and evaluate my past relationships. Thus, my motherhood mentality began to form. Raising my baby, playing with him, putting him to sleep, feeding him, and most importantly, loving that cottony human with tiny hands who has just entered our lives...

This mental structure determines what is most important to us, what we are sensitive to, what is pleasant and what is exciting. It determines what we find scary.

No, nothing Time is not lost. Sometimes it changes, especially when our baby starts to meet its own needs, but it reappears when the need arises. For example, when we sense a dangerous situation, our maternal mindset immediately comes into play. So we can say that it is very common at first, but later it comes into play in selected situations.

It changes with motherhood. We die and can never be the same person we were before our baby. Research says this, not me, so believe me ☺

Come on, how wonderful it is to be a mother. Let's think once again that something is happening and appreciate every moment; because the most beautiful thing in the world is with you right now...

Yes, it is difficult, I admit it is not easy, but isn't it worth it?

We are always with you! You can contact us whenever you have difficulty. We continue to enjoy life together where we left off.

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