It is a thought disorder disease whose only or most prominent symptom is delusions (see; What you are wondering => delusion) and which negatively affects the life of the patient and
their relatives. It usually starts after the ages of 35-40. There are various subtypes of delusion (persecution, religious,
jealousy, erotomanic, somatic) according to the theme. Some of these can lead to very serious consequences (such as murder, injury, physical violence, suicide). A person may harm others or himself because of the false belief that he is being followed or that his/her spouse is cheating on him/her.
Patients usually do not go to psychiatrists with their own consent because they do not think they are sick.
Even if they do, The main reason for admission is often not delusions, but other psychological complaints caused by them. They usually come to the doctor at the insistence of their relatives, or they are sent by official institutions to evaluate their mental state due to legal events (such as murder, injury, fight) that occur due to their delusions.
They usually have thought disorder. Since there are no other symptoms, the patient's occupational and social
functionality may not be affected. For this reason, making a diagnosis and starting treatment may be delayed.
The only treatment for this disease, which is difficult to respond to treatment, is antipsychotic drugs. The most important challenge is to get people who do not think they are sick to take these medications. For this reason, it is especially important for this disease that the patient can find a physician with whom he/she can establish a trusting relationship.
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