What Causes Knee Pain While Sitting?

There may be certain reasons why you feel pain in your knee while in a sitting position. In this article, we will share information about what causes knee pain.

Sitting for long periods of time can cause knee pain; This group includes those whose working environment is a desk, those who sit for long periods of time while eating, those who have to sit for long periods of time due to various activities, and those who spend more time sitting in front of the computer and television than usual. In order not to sit for long periods of time, you should take half-hour breaks and stand up and move.

Sudden movements when standing up from a sitting position may cause pain; You may experience this painful experience due to a condition such as osteoarthritis.

The way you sit may be the source of pain; Crossing your legs and sitting positions that create such deformities are suitable examples for this situation. This style of sitting creates pressure on the knee. People who have to sit for a long time should learn the most ergonomic position and sit accordingly.

You may feel uncomfortable due to the furniture you are sitting on; Taking as an example, if you sit in the office for a long time, your chair should be designed and positioned correctly with other furniture you use, such as your desk. If the chair is generally in a very low position, it may cause more discomfort.

Situations such as runner's knee (PFP) Pain may be felt when going up and down stairs. Here, excessive use of the knee brace, incompatibility between the knee and hip, and knee cap injury cases. may occur.

Such pain may not subside in some cases.


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