Nutrition Recommendations during Ramadan

With the arrival of Ramadan, the daily diet of fasting people suddenly changes. While the daily diet, which generally consists of 3-6 meals, is reduced to 2 meals; Consumption of pastries, especially red meat, bread, rice, pasta, pastries, desserts and pastries, increases. In contrast, consumption of fruits, vegetables and white meat decreases. However, whether you eat 3-6 meals or 2 meals; The carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamin and mineral ratios you need daily should always be the same.
Our answer to those who ask "Is there any diet during Ramadan?" by eating a balanced diet: Yes. You can lose weight in a healthy way by intelligently dividing the nutritional values ​​you need in a day between iftar and sahur. For this, you should avoid common nutritional mistakes during Ramadan. 'Eating too much and too quickly on an empty stomach during iftar causes problems such as heaviness in the stomach, burning sensation, nausea, gas and constipation. Drinking water during meals makes digestion difficult. Eating heavy meals at iftar and not staying up for sahur puts a strain on the stomach.'
Small but frequent meals and iftar and sahur meals should be divided into 3-4 meals. The fast should be broken by drinking a glass of water and a bowl of soup.
What should you pay attention to during Ramadan?During Ramadan, the stomach and digestive systems of fasting people start to work differently. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to many things while eating. Sudden load on the stomach, which has been resting for approximately 17 hours, may cause digestive problems. Break the fast with light food. One of the main nutritional mistakes made during Ramadan is eating less fruit. Consume at least 2 portions of fruit a day, raw or compote. A person's need for carbohydrates may increase due to long hours of fasting during Ramadan. This requirement should be met with sugar-free compote, compote or sugar-free milk desserts instead of fatty and viscous desserts with high calories. Since drinking tea and coffee with the meal during iftar will reduce the absorption of vitamins taken from the meal, it is beneficial to drink these drinks one hour after the meal. If you want to lose weight during Ramadan, you should take daily Share the calories between iftar and sahur meals. Focus on low-calorie foods such as vegetables and fruits. Don't stay still. Be sure to take a walk after iftar. Be sure to get up for sahur. In this way both open The time you stay is reduced and your metabolism slows down less. If your cholesterol is high and you are fasting, you need to limit red meat and butter consumption and eat fish and legumes at least 1-2 times a week. Since the body will remain dehydrated for a long time while fasting, be sure to drink plenty of water between iftar and sahur. Considering that you lose a lot of fluid in the summer heat, this amount is 3 liters. It should be consumed around . Drinking water accelerates the functioning of the intestines and kidneys. However, drinking water during the meal can disrupt the digestive system. During Ramadan, most smokers smoke a cigarette immediately before starting the iftar meal. Do not smoke before eating, as the harm of smoking on an empty stomach is much greater. In fact, make extra efforts during this period to quit these bad habits completely.

When is fasting harmful?
Heavy eating after a long fast can increase the burden on the heart. Therefore, diseases such as heart attack, high blood pressure, cerebral hemorrhage and stroke may increase. In cases of stomach ulcers, it may aggravate the ulcer. Those who are pregnant, whose blood sugar falls below normal, who have diabetes, blood pressure, and feverish diseases; In cases where frequent medication intake is required, mental patients, tuberculosis and cancer patients should not fast.   

-2 matchboxes of cheese, 5-6 unsalted olives or 5-6 raw almonds or hazelnuts, 2-3 slices of whole grain bread, cold cuts of vegetables, tea, 1 FRUIT
-1 boiled egg, 5-6 olives, 1 slice of unsalted cheese, 2-3 slices of rye bread, tea, 1 FRUIT
-1 egg menemen, 1 slice of unsalted cheese, 2 walnuts, 2 slices of whole wheat bread, tea, 1 FRUIT
- 2 slices of whole grain toast, 1 glass of unsalted buttermilk, 1 FRUIT   
-1 meatball sized minced meat and an egg with minced meat with lots of vegetables, 2 slices of whole grain bread, tea, 1 FRUIT    
                                NOTE: Vegetable oil free of charge

-1 bowl of soup or 2 slices of bread, 1 portion vegetable dish with meat, 1 glass of yoghurt,SALAD
-1 portion of vegetable dish, 4-5 tablespoons of bulgur pilaf/pastaor 2 slices of whole grain bread, 1 bowl of compote, SALAD
-1 bowl of soup or 4-5 tablespoons of buckwheat rice or quinoa salad, 100 g of fish or meat dish, 2 slices of whole wheat bread , SALAD
-1 portion of legume meal, 2 slices of bread, 1 bowl of tzatziki, SALAD  


Time: 22:00 – 22:30

1 apple, ½ pear, 1 orange, 1 tangerine, 2 dried apricots, 1 dried fig , 1 tablespoon raisins, 6 Maltese plums, 10 green plums, 12 strawberries, 4 fresh apricots, 16 cherries, 1 peach, 15 mulberries, 1 thin slice of melon.


2 days a week at 22:00; You can eat 2 scoops of non-chocolate ice cream, 1 bowl of sugar-free milk dessert or 1 portion of Güllaç.

Happy Ramadan to everyone!


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