Black Cumin

Black cumin has been used in the prevention and treatment of diseases for more than three thousand years. It is said that throughout history, black cumin has become famous as an immune-boosting, medicinal plant. In fact, it is one of the plants on which the most scientific studies have been conducted.

Let's examine the benefits of black cumin together:

Thanks to the thymoquinone and thioquinone it contains, the immune system is strengthened and it ensures the death of cancerous cells thanks to its anti-tumor properties, but scientific studies on the relationship between black cumin and cancer are still continuing today.

There are studies showing that regular use of black cumin every day reduces LDL cholesterol. It also has a blood pressure lowering effect.

Black cumin has effects that aid digestion and reduce stomach aches. . It is also a great carminative and diuretic.

Apart from these benefits:

Black cumin seed. How can you consume it?

For those who want to use black cumin, the most accurate and practical way would be to buy fresh and high-quality black cumin and grind it.

You can also consume black cumin in the form of oil. Are you?

You can use a few drops of black seed oil in main dishes, sauces, drinks and soups. You can also consume it orally, not exceeding 2 drops. It is also available in capsule form in pharmacies. You can also consume it in capsule form with the approval of your doctor. If you have hair loss, you can nourish your hair roots by adding a few drops of black cumin oil to the shampoo you use.

But be careful when buying black cumin oil!

Cold pressed black cumin oils of companies with national quality standard certificates such as TSEK, TÜRKAK or international quality standard certificates such as ISO 9000, ISO 14000 should be preferred.

So, is there any harm to black cumin?

  • Excessive use of black cumin oil can cause kidney and liver damage.

  • It may interact with some medications. Therefore, if you have a medication you use regularly, be sure to inform your doctor/dietitian before using it.

  • It may cause nausea, vomiting, bloating and constipation in some people.

  • It has blood thinning properties. Therefore, it increases the risk of bleeding.

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