Hemorrhoids are enlarged or swollen veins in the lower rectum. The most common symptoms of hemorrhoids are rectal bleeding, itching, and pain.
Hemorrhoids can be outside the anus or inside the rectum. The dentate line divides the anal canal into two parts. Internal hemorrhoids originate above the dentate line. External hemorrhoids originate below the dentate line.
Hemorrhoids occur in both men and women.
Hemorrhoids do not usually cause serious health problems. It's seriously annoying and annoying. Fortunately, treatments for hemorrhoids are available and can often minimize the bothersome symptoms.
What are the Symptoms of Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids older It is more common in people with diarrhea or a pelvic tumor, during or after pregnancy, and in people who sit for long periods of time and/or strain (strain) to have a bowel movement.
Symptoms of hemorrhoids can include:
Painless rectal bleeding,
Anal itching or pain,
Swelling tissue around the anus,
Leaking stool or difficulty cleaning up after a bowel movement.
While hemorrhoids are one of the most common causes of rectal bleeding, there are other more serious causes as well. has. It is impossible to know what is causing the rectal bleeding unless examined.
If you notice bleeding after defecation, contact your general surgeon.
Itching: Hemorrhoids usually cause itching and irritation of the skin around the anus.
Pain: Hemorrhoids can become painful. If you experience severe pain, contact a general surgeon immediately as this may be a sign of a serious problem.
Hemorrhoid Diagnosis
To diagnose hemorrhoids, your doctor will examine your rectum and anus. If there is bleeding, your doctor may look inside the anus (called anoscopy) or colon (sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy).
One of the most important steps is to avoid constipation (hard or infrequent stools). Hard stools can cause rectal bleeding and/or anus tear called anal fissure.
In addition, straining to defecate can worsen existing hemorrhoids and increase the risk of developing new hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids, Fiber supplements
p>Increasing fiber in your diet is one of the best ways to soften your stool. Fiber is found in fruits and vegetables. The recommended amount of dietary fiber is 20 to 35 grams per day.
Hemorrhoids, Laxatives
If the increased fiber does not relieve your constipation, you can try a laxative. Many people worry about taking laxatives regularly, fearing that they won't be able to have a bowel movement if the laxative is discontinued. Laxatives are "non-addictive" and using laxatives will not increase your risk of future constipation.
Hemorrhoids, Warm Sitting Baths
During the hemorrhoid sitz bath, warm the rectal area for 10 to 15 minutes two to three times a day soak in water. Do not add soap, bubble bath or other additives to the water. Bathing works by improving blood flow and relaxing the muscle called the internal anal sphincter around the anus.
Minimally Invasive Treatment
If you have bothersome hemorrhoids after taking conservative measures, you might consider a minimally invasive procedure.
Tyreband ligation: Tyreband ligation is the most commonly used procedure. It relieves symptoms in most patients.
Rubber bands or rings are placed around the base of the internal hemorrhoid. As the blood flow is restricted, the hemorrhoid shrinks and degenerates within a few days. Many patients report a feeling of "tension" after the procedure, which can be improved with warm sitz baths. Patients are encouraged to use fiber supplements to prevent constipation.
Delayed bleeding can occur when the rubber band falls off, usually two to four days after the procedure. In some cases, a raw and painful area develops five to seven days after the procedure. Other less common complications of rubber band ligation include severe pain, thrombosis of other hemorrhoids, and localized infection or inflammation (abscess).
Laser, infrared, or bipolar coagulation: These methods This includes the use of laser or infrared light or heat to destroy internal hemorrhoids.
Sclerotherapy , a chemical solution is injected into the hemorrhoidal tissue, causing the tissue to break down and create scarring.
Hemorrhoid Surgery
If symptoms of hemorrhoids (such as bleeding, pain, or sagging) persist despite medical treatments, hemorrhoid surgery may also be required.
Surgical treatment options for hemorrhoids includes hemorrhoidectomy (surgically removing excess hemorrhoidal tissue), which works for both internal and external hemorrhoids, and other procedures that only work for internal hemorrhoids (for example, stapled hemorrhoidopexy and hemorrhoidal artery ligation).
If you are going to have hemorrhoid surgery, your doctor can help you determine the best procedure for you.
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